Welcome to the Joyous Birth Forums.
Forum announcements, messages to members from admin and mods, user guidelines and other important information.
Introduce yourself here and meet others on the journey. You must introduce yourself here in order to post in the rest of the forums. So join in and help maintain the community!
Let’s share more than birth. Come for a chat about anything you like. Announcements, suggestions and comments welcome!
Activism and the philosophies which inform our lives.
Ongoing action to reverse the appalling legislation to outlaw homebirth in Australia. Please contact Admin before posting campaign information. Thank you!
Choosing homebirth, your options, questions and decisions.
Achieving and avoiding pregnancies. Conception and contraception information.
For everything related to homebirth and pregnancy!
Reclaim your birth right from fear and misinformation. Trust your body, trust your baby. The power is yours!
Inspiration and affirmations for joyous, empowered birthing.
Tell us your birth stories. All births are lifechanging and all mothers deserve to be honoured. Let us learn from your journey.
Birth is only the beginning so come here to discuss parenting. This part of the forum is named in honour of Hestia, the Greek goddess of the hearth and home. Let her warm you and nurture you.
If we give birth at home, that makes our homes very special spaces. Come here to share hints and tips on household management, greener living, recipes and all the other things which make our home lives more pleasurable!
A place to learn about and discuss how to keep our bodies joyfully functioning and healthy. Body image to yoga to exercise, come chat about it here.
Health is more than the absence of illness.
Come here to celebrate your cycles. Learn how to honour the cyclical changes from each bleed to the next. Be supported by a loving circle of bleeding and ovulating women.
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Welcome to our newest member, FranklynN2