View Full Version : Birth trauma space
- careprovider responsibility?
- Depression and Suicidal Thoughts After Traumatic Birth
- where am i? where do i start?
- "Birth Without Violence" online!
- Resources - Pregnancy, Birth, Trauma & Personality
- Birth Rape article
- Phoebe photos: Foetal hydrops & Turner syndrome - STILLBIRTH PHOTOS GRAPHIC
- Birth trauma, PTSD
- caesarean babies/traumatically born babies different?
- Fear and birth
- Healing circle June
- birth trauma quotes from Sheila Kitzinger
- What's the definition of birthrape?
- Healing circle July
- Help need some info
- Healing circle August
- Healing Circle September
- What to say to a friend after c-section?
- traumatic birth suggestions for partners
- Choosing how we are born?
- Healing Circle October
- Australian thesis on birth trauma and PTSD
- Healing Circle November
- did you complain about your hospital experience?
- Ricki and Abby talk about their doco
- Birth trauma resources for support people
- Prepared for the second
- some birth trauma research
- Where did your traumatic birth happen?
- resources for dealing with birth trauma
- some birth trauma myths - feel free to add yours!
- birth trauma - do you have PTSD?
- Did you feel your c/s? Your episiotomy? Anything else?
- Oh my...the birth story...
- December Healing Circle
- Help with complaint to hospital please!
- My mother's birth rapes
- Healing the trauma: entering motherhood with PTSD
- Making peace with your birth experience?
- DH found freebirth completely traumatic
- January Healing Circle
- Are you glad you got your notes?
- for those of you whose ob wasn't at fault...
- Hospital notes
- Could it have been avoided...?
- Assistance with finding some peace...
- March Healing Circle
- April Healing Circle
- Birth Trauma Study in the UK
- women and suicide post-birth
- I finally got my notes
- Website for birth healing
- Can't get the words out of my head
- Not angry but I can't stop thinking about it
- Birth rape article/blog
- Weird freak-out
- my birth rape
- Dear Son... I'm so sorry...
- Stretch and Sweep
- where do i start
- What the fuck is a 'cornual tubal stump?'
- OB's comment
- Sad and sorry little whine
- A Day You’ll Never Forget—
- I Grieve.
- My "light bulb" moment :D
- self-imposed birth trauma
- If I knew then what I know now....
- Still struggling....
- Help! I dont know if I can do it again
- June Healing Circle
- Info On Postpartum Hemmorrage Please!
- Discovering hurt & dealing with it
- Stories about Birth Rape... after Penetrative rape.
- When did you realise your birth trauma had happened?
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