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  1. thanks, SK! your sig made my day (10 replies)
  2. White House Family Values: Where Are the Boys? (6 replies)
  3. Were/are your parents monogomous? (20 replies)
  4. Just wondering... (5 replies)
  5. are you monogamous? why? (208 replies)
  6. More on representations of the patriarchy - in images (23 replies)
  7. Angry Women and the Benefits of Rage! (28 replies)
  8. Newsflash!! Women don't look like the covers of books! (3 replies)
  9. The impossible beauty of Jessica Alba (12 replies)
  10. filthy troll (15 replies)
  11. Creating the "problem" of underarm hair (34 replies)
  12. Misogyny, racism, sexual violence - in a calendar... (20 replies)
  13. Pink for boys blue for girls? (93 replies)
  14. Gender in vivid technicolour - the pink and the blue (46 replies)
  15. Vaginas are not “disgusting”. The Be Cervix Savvy campaign (1 replies)
  16. Why is Virginity Valuable? (31 replies)
  17. U.S.-'Gouging Women on Health Insurance' (3 replies)
  18. sad petition against Feministing (7 replies)
  19. Lessons from the US - Why foetal rights can never override women's. (78 replies)
  20. 'Blaming Me Blaming You: Victim Identity in Recent Feminism (35 replies)
  21. Mount Franklin breast cancer water bottle ads (72 replies)
  22. "Mommy Dearest" Echidne of the Snakes on the 'bad mother' (1 replies)
  23. Do you experience "Imposter Syndrome"? (126 replies)
  24. Feminist critique - an easy guide! (7 replies)
  25. WWMC perspective on the US election and feminism (56 replies)
  26. Book club - The Whole Woman, Germaine Greer (24 replies)
  27. Questioning authority (11 replies)
  28. Hair-do's and feminism (42 replies)
  29. Woman (6 replies)
  30. Fuck is FUN!!!!! (41 replies)
  31. Passive Aggression: Foregrounding the Object (9 replies)
  32. Do boys get "good boy"??? (33 replies)
  33. Catherine Smith on Australian Story 1 Sept (8 replies)
  34. Womyn & Children Sold into Slavery **Very, very graphic... ** (39 replies)
  35. should partners really have no say in birth choices? (44 replies)
  36. Just some reflections (15 replies)
  37. Getup campaign on paid maternity leave (5 replies)
  38. Finding Heroines (20 replies)
  39. Had to share (6 replies)
  40. "Falling pregnant" - origin? (9 replies)
  41. Another bloody beautiful blog entry about the 2008 Human Rights Olympics (5 replies)
  42. Why is Feminism relevant today? (29 replies)
  43. the virgin birth q (99 replies)
  44. Can men be Feminists? (48 replies)
  45. Eve as a tool of the Patriarchy (10 replies)
  46. I'm a woman, but I'm not a feminist! (299 replies)
  47. Why Do We Announce The Sex Of Our Baby And Give Them Girls'/Boys' Names? (60 replies)
  48. Population control... need help clarifying thoughts (32 replies)
  49. How were you schooled? (43 replies)
  50. Single sex schooling (35 replies)
  51. Influential Women of the World (4 replies)
  52. The Strong Womyn. (18 replies)
  53. Ruby Payne Scott cut down in her prime.. (1 replies)
  54. Women are not g.uys (112 replies)
  55. interesting site about clearing emotional blockages, addictions and healing (20 replies)
  56. Relieving Stress by Housecleaning (39 replies)
  57. "what other people will think" (52 replies)
  58. Feminist Workshop Reading List (21 replies)
  59. The Madwoman's Underclothes (8 replies)
  60. The book called 'Period', or how do our psychosexual beliefs evolve? (6 replies)
  61. Feminist bingo! Thanks, Hoydens! (1 replies)
  62. check out this great blog on the sexualisation of young girls (3 replies)
  63. Are you empowered? (46 replies)
  64. Oh, you're having a "blonde" moment are you? (51 replies)
  65. The Sheath (26 replies)
  66. bring it to me sisters (20 replies)
  67. *Good girl! Push!* (62 replies)
  68. Dale Spender "Man Made Language" 1980 (2 replies)
  69. some primary sources of women's liberation in Australia (0 replies)
  70. Do you suffer Stockholm Syndrome? (6 replies)
  71. "L.ady love your cunt" (1 replies)
  72. are you a radical feminist? (20 replies)
  73. Workshop two: women and power, your reflections? (1 replies)
  74. my new little project (3 replies)
  75. Interesting comment thread on Firestone's "Dialectic of Sex" (2 replies)