View Full Version : The Online Feminist Workshop
Pages :
- feminism... like the tooth fairy?
- CrotchWatch '09 - some blaming around pornulation!
- Do you blog in Australia? Are you a woman?
- I'm proud of myself!
- Quick explanation
- Most Indian Live Donors are Wives and Mothers
- Does a Labouring Woman Have Any Rights?
- UK petition - asylum from rape petition
- Feminists don't have a sense of humour (lighten up girly!)
- 25 years of Sex Discrimination Act in Australia
- A doula for every woman?
- *trigger warning** Full Rock Spider: A Six Step Guide
- Schrodinger's Rapist
- Feel your boobies
- Life and Times of Jessie Street
- new feminist blog! FWD (feminists with disabilities) for a way forward
- Women in World History
- Rape Prevention Tips Guaranteed to Work! **triggers**
- Fighting Fat Bias and and the Fear of Faulty Cervixes
- Gender pay gap in Australia
- Law & Order: “Dignity”, Worth, and the Medical Model of Disability
- Dainty little girls vs muscular super-men
- Violence in Women's soccer
- Sexist school newsletter
- What Remains of Srebrenica: Motherhood, Transitional Justice and Yearning for Truth
- Curvy barbie?
- Lefties: Angry Women
- Sexist Humour is No Joke
- Fugivitus - Awesome piece on rape jokes *rape mentioned trigger warning*
- Claiming feminism and a question about chivalry
- Is Female to Male as Nature Is to Culture? Sherry Ortner
- How do you choose which last name?
- feminism and art
- “Men who buy sex: Who they buy and what they know” GRAPHIC
- WTF - insert in birkenstock box
- Ave Mary Daly
- The Princess and the frog.. an all new Disney low
- F: A Festival. A conference. A future. *JB is giving a workshop*
- more court ordered caesareans (and more) in the US
- How objectification silences women - the male glance as a psychological muzzle
- Killing an Abortion Doctor Might Be Voluntary Manslaughter, Not Murder
- IRL feminist workshop on pregnancy and birth WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
- How the beauty ideal doth change...
- I've been conducting an experiment
- Getting Real, the REAL women thread
- general feminist brilliance
- Grooming
- bump'n'grind your way to fuckability oops I mean FITNESS
- Historical photos of our rockin' sisters
- Dead Pron Stars Memorial
- vagina 101 - it begins with the vulva
- Elders interview with Isabel Allende
- Noor Inayat Kahn
- Children's movies: Women = Villain. Man = Beloved Hero.
- Awesome Graffiti in Melbourne
- Angie the Anti-Theist
- 4000 Years for Choice - celebrating our reproductive roots
- Happy International Women's Day everyone
- Video Stream: International Tribunal on Crimes Against Women of Burma
- The challenge of marketing small condoms
- “Enlightened Sexism: The Seductive Message that Feminism’s Work is Done"
- The NIH VBAC Consensus Conference: Will It Pave the Road to Hell with Good Intentions
- Anti-Feminist Bingo
- Helen Razer on Germaine Greer
- What do you do when being a feminist feels like a waste of time?
- women escaping fundamentalism - no longer quivering blog and other resources
- _that_ domain names ad with Pamela Anderson?
- US (but becoming relevant here) Legal Regulation of Pregnancy and Childbirth
- “Why are women being left out of climate decision-making?”
- 17 "feminist" anthems that aren't.
- Wow! Wow! Shannon Mitchell is talking about vbac as a human right!
- Unpacking the invisible knapsack - Male Privilege Checklist
- Another privilege checklist - for the programmers
- Objectification silences women
- House of the Setting Sun - interviews with elderly prostitutes
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