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  1. What changed your mind? (84 replies)
  2. Vaccinating before pregnancy? (13 replies)
  3. Medical Voices website! (Info on Mercury) (4 replies)
  4. Conscientious objection form questions (2 replies)
  5. Conscientious objection form signed! (17 replies)
  6. Swine Flu vax WDYT? (45 replies)
  7. Vit K preservatives (9 replies)
  8. Artificially feed infants and vaccination - URGENT (8 replies)
  9. Vaccine Consent Form (13 replies)
  10. Does it have to be a CO form? (3 replies)
  11. Do Vegans Vaccinate (7 replies)
  12. Whooping Cough and Vaccination - Am I missing something here? (7 replies)
  13. Quick! Need Flu Vax info (12 replies)
  14. CO form, why? (9 replies)
  15. Flu shots (18 replies)
  16. Some questions for those who are anti-vax. (47 replies)
  17. Go Jim Carrey! (13 replies)
  18. % of poulation needing to be vaxxed (2 replies)
  19. Additives (3 replies)
  20. chances of catching diseases? (3 replies)
  21. Whooping cough (31 replies)
  22. Whooping Cough - The Untold Story (17 replies)
  23. Another reason Homebirth is safer (7 replies)
  24. Sunday Mail today...pg 28 (20 replies)
  25. I recieved a letter from the GP... (10 replies)
  26. Thoughts, thoughts... (28 replies)
  27. Revolting vax photo (24 replies)
  28. Emotional Health and Non-Vax (4 replies)
  29. Doctor persecuted by the UK General Medical Council and the drug (1 replies)
  30. More fair journalism and my response (7 replies)
  31. Do you tell people you don't Vax? (46 replies)
  32. i'm curious (4 replies)
  33. Vaccination, Daycare and Centrelink? (8 replies)
  34. Spain halts batch of Merck's Gardasil (1 replies)
  35. Should I be demanding a change? (2 replies)
  36. more guarasil news... mostly all negative which is nice (1 replies)
  37. *Media alert* Pro vaxxing propaganda (20 replies)
  38. Aluminum In Our Vaccines: Is It Safe? (2 replies)
  39. CO form and chicken pox vaccine? (16 replies)
  40. Different Dr & MMR (19 replies)
  41. "Worst Measles Outbreak in Years" FFS!!!!!!!!! (24 replies)
  42. Just a little prick (9 replies)
  43. Some interesting information on Vaccinations (2 replies)
  44. Part Vaxxing (6 replies)
  45. In quarantine again... (13 replies)
  46. Out of interest - non vaxers (29 replies)
  47. Bloody Dr and measles (15 replies)
  48. New Oceania Vaccination Forum! (5 replies)
  49. To Homeoprophylaxis or just leave it? (23 replies)
  50. Homeoprophylaxis (3 replies)
  51. How do I ensure my CO form doesn't get 'lost' ? (14 replies)
  52. Gardasil blog - Women Hurt By Medicine (1 replies)
  53. what's with rubella? (5 replies)
  54. Flu shots (14 replies)
  55. Case of rubella at childcare (14 replies)
  56. Concientious Objection for for non vaxxers (40 replies)
  57. Doctor refusing Conscientous objection (52 replies)
  58. From one prick to another? (4 replies)
  59. Gardasil Linked to Genital warts in Children. (7 replies)
  60. H5N1 DNA in Flu Vaccine (2 replies)
  61. Help finding article (2 replies)
  62. Vaccination pros and cons - dumb it down for me please! (11 replies)
  63. cervical cancer vaccine advertisment (13 replies)
  64. whooping cough (11 replies)
  65. No Vaccination = No Child Care Benefit? (40 replies)
  66. Overseas travel... advice needed! (20 replies)
  67. If you vaxed one child and not the other... (12 replies)
  68. What JB does for birth..... are you interested in a vax community? (38 replies)
  69. Maternal Immunity (27 replies)
  70. Homeopathic whooping cough vaccine (5 replies)
  71. "Choosing Not to immunise" books just a little prick (14 replies)
  72. The humanitarian cover story:HPV (1 replies)
  73. Vaxing the mother to protect the baby question. (14 replies)
  74. Separate vaccines? (41 replies)
  75. Interesting figures and stats (10 replies)