View Full Version : Essentials
Pages :
- ultrasound issues - lots of ultrasound info here
- The Pink Kit
- some pg and birth flower essences
- some breech info - links updated
- optimal foetal positioning
- effects on babies of drugs in labour
- births on Joyous Birth
- Syntometrine information
- Kangaroo care for premmies and others
- Ever done the Glucose Tolerance Test?
- common labour drugs and side effects
- some ways to manage labour naturally
- episiotomy video GRAPHIC!!!!
- understanding the postdates research
- the inadequate pelvis
- "Emergency Childbirth" pdf for printing out
- acupressure downloads
- vernix on a newborn - reasons not to wash it off
- supporting someone through miscarriage
- sexual abuse survivors and birth resources
- members' births 2007 - poll now closed. PM The Morrigan if you still need to vote!
- Why antibiotics???
- Time limits and research?
- Brow presentation - tell me more
- Anyone heard of a funnel shaped pelvis?
- research on physiological third stage
- Cord clamping and caesareans?
- Forceps and Ventouse
- prenatal testing article
- Informed Consent (with some QLD specific info)
- WHO emergency obstetrics manual
- Low HcG levels in pregnancy?
- archive
- Morning sickness remedies?
- waterbirth information
- Blood tests during pregnancy and why to skip them?
- OP and foetal ejection reflex
- Evidence on monitoring & VEs?
- obstetric e-texts
- some meconium studies - MAS
- type 1 diabetes
- Essentials for home waterbirth.
- Pushing/Pelvises/"Big" Babies/CPD - a must read guide!!
- how long is considered delayed cord clamping?
- Registering a freebirth?????
- Ultrasound/placenta previa/homebirth sceptics questions
- Birthing pools...
- Rare occurrence but maybe someone knows...
- ARM increases c/s rate
- Is there anything else I need to know before freebirthing?
- "low" amniotic fluid at term
- Bleeding in early pregnancy
- Older homebirthing mums
- Lots of Freebirth Q's.. my time is running out so pls share ur wisdom!
- DH wants midwife at birth (was going to be a freebirth)
- Should i have a doula too?
- gab's blessingway and birth update!
- The Pink Kit?
- questionnaire to go with the birth poll
- nausea with contractions
- GBS and garlic
- seeking article on Cascade of Intervention
- failure to progress? failure to wait?
- Weirdy weird pregnancy CM
- Some questions
- pregnancy multi-V's... did you, or didn't you?
- Diagram of pregnant body
- Anti-D - Fear or Intuition??
- Cord length
- how long should waterborn bubs stay under?
- Scents and aroma you had during labour/birth
- Birth In Progress
- Morning sickness sux!!!!
- Bastian study -- wanna read it and rebuttals
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