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  1. Ear infections and alternatives to antibiotics? (10 replies)
  2. 5 Day Headache (3 replies)
  3. Where to buy Larimar crystals? (0 replies)
  4. Dr. Peter Dingle books. Any good? (6 replies)
  5. gastro bug causing tight hands?? (11 replies)
  6. Food & Concentration/Focus (10 replies)
  7. Newborn belly button not healing (12 replies)
  8. Fussy Eater and Dairy Free (6 replies)
  9. Healthy Diet and Eating Disorders (11 replies)
  10. Splinter torture (8 replies)
  11. In a funk - update post #61 (88 replies)
  12. Blocked tear ducts in infant (11 replies)
  13. Help for DH's surgery sites. (5 replies)
  14. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction (9 replies)
  15. Avoiding antibiotics for sinus infection (13 replies)
  16. Ear Candleing (16 replies)
  17. I really need your help (19 replies)
  18. Do I really need friends? (51 replies)
  19. I've woken up feeling shaky (19 replies)
  20. Breastfed babies and coldsores. (32 replies)
  21. whoo looks after everything when u r sick? (11 replies)
  22. Have just discovered EVERYTHING seems to have dairy in it,what can I eat??!! (16 replies)
  23. Eating (refined) sugar free - what does it look like? (7 replies)
  24. The "Spiritual Advancement" Support Thread (21 replies)
  25. Any advice to help my poor son :( (13 replies)
  26. Reaction to antibiotics (4 replies)
  27. Where to buy homeopathic remedies online? (7 replies)
  28. Changes in sweatiness of 9 month old?? (9 replies)
  29. Is this bad and going to get worse? (13 replies)
  30. Cured your contact dermatitis? (9 replies)
  31. Real Women (14 replies)
  32. Supplements / Vitamins for children? Juice + ? (5 replies)
  33. Anything to be worried about? Sore lump in arm (8 replies)
  34. Tattoo to commemorate ..... (21 replies)
  35. Tonsilitis (12 replies)
  36. Swollen toe nail what to do? (15 replies)
  37. 3yo coughing until vomiting (5 replies)
  38. Green snot/phlegm for 3 weeks - issue or not? (2 replies)
  39. How do I handle this? (7 replies)
  40. Help for my MIL re her thyroid (11 replies)
  41. Arrhythmia? (43 replies)
  42. Accupuncturist in Brissie (4 replies)
  43. Stomach cramps. No vomiting, no diarrhoea (51 replies)
  44. DD rash help (3 replies)
  45. breast check question mammogram/US (3 replies)
  46. Cancer info (25 replies)
  47. Painful Abdominal Tears (7 replies)
  48. baby vomit (9 replies)
  49. strengthening a childs immune system (9 replies)
  50. Foggy Thinking (29 replies)
  51. When I need help, I know where to go, JB (4 replies)
  52. A question for vego mummas who feed their children meat (41 replies)
  53. Naturopath/PCOS specialist Melbourne (8 replies)
  54. Constant yawning/ taking deep breaths 6 yo (2 replies)
  55. Screaming 2 week old, help! (26 replies)
  56. Natural anti-perspirant/deodrant that works!? (36 replies)
  57. Diet wards off Preclampsia (16 replies)
  58. Warning signs for whooping cough (3 replies)
  59. Lump in my lovely boobie FREAKING OUT! (9 replies)
  60. Q about antibiotics after DD split her head open (9 replies)
  61. STI testing after an assault (91 replies)
  62. Newborn poo question (1 replies)
  63. Cravings. Need or intolerance? (30 replies)
  64. Chiropractor - Gold Coast (5 replies)
  65. Crampy, yucky poos (4 replies)
  66. Stabbing pains in vagina. (13 replies)
  67. Hypochondria (3 replies)
  68. Not reflux, not heartburn? What the hell is it then? (17 replies)
  69. Posture tips? (17 replies)
  70. mastitis!...really?...today?...must I!? (16 replies)
  71. Recipes/meals to BOOST body fat ?? (21 replies)
  72. How soon after having a baby could you go back to the gym? (6 replies)
  73. 2 yr old with impetigo and fever :( (4 replies)
  74. Thin hair, hair loss (12 replies)
  75. Two year old with teeth issues (again, I know) (1 replies)