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  1. Cleansing the home, mind & spirit (5 replies)
  2. Nose piercing? (26 replies)
  3. I need some allergy help/info for my 3 y/o (17 replies)
  4. brown vomit in baby? (9 replies)
  5. Hair falling out (18 replies)
  6. Cranio Sacral Therapy - Have you tried it for your baby/child? (31 replies)
  7. Migraine control? (dp) (11 replies)
  8. Homeopathic remedy out of breastmilk? (15 replies)
  9. Homeopathics/Brauers (3 replies)
  10. Sinus ouch! (24 replies)
  11. measles exposure (6 replies)
  12. 'Temporary' Asthma? (9 replies)
  13. Overcoming over-eating (11 replies)
  14. lactose intolerance (13 replies)
  15. the powers of Love and of Fear (6 replies)
  16. any one interested in doing a 'natural' diet with me? (21 replies)
  17. Saying "no" to crap food, diplomatically (17 replies)
  18. The revolution will not be pasteurized: Inside the raw-milk underground (17 replies)
  19. Article on Probiotic Foods (3 replies)
  20. Old Breaks and aches (5 replies)
  21. The blisters are in his mouth too (25 replies)
  22. Loss of voice and rash (4 replies)
  23. true coeliac or just intolerances (15 replies)
  24. Fennel oil in pregnancy...?? (6 replies)
  25. suggestions to help 3yo having a bloodtest (10 replies)
  26. has anyone done the weight watchers breastfeeding program? (14 replies)
  27. FREE Respite weekends for Consumers and Carers (2 replies)
  28. A very quick Q? - TMI (5 replies)
  29. MINDD forum this weekend (0 replies)
  30. Natural baby care (0 replies)
  31. Tell me about dairy (6 replies)
  32. grey hairs (57 replies)
  33. Help! DS has ANOTHER ear infection! what are your remedies? (28 replies)
  34. Is avoiding 'numbers' enough? (29 replies)
  35. Preventing dehydration in 4 year old- gastro. (6 replies)
  36. Dry Sage (5 replies)
  37. Skincare recommendations (15 replies)
  38. Any homeopaths? I need Borax 30 (0 replies)
  39. Ovarian cyst rupture. All of a sudden?? (10 replies)
  40. Discussion on the article "The Myths of Vegetarianism" (159 replies)
  41. What does gluten intolerance feel like? (14 replies)
  42. A couple of qs about irradation (2 replies)
  43. Non binding foods (5 replies)
  44. Henna (4 replies)
  45. Yucky cough, fever and loose poos too (21 replies)
  46. Cell Phone Use During Pregnancy Can Seriously Damage Your Baby (10 replies)
  47. A2 milk or Organic non homogenised? (23 replies)
  48. How to support a recovering alcoholic? (3 replies)
  49. cat's got ringworm! (10 replies)
  50. Swine flu (130 replies)
  51. What is effective hydration? (6 replies)
  52. what's wrong with my DD? eye problems! please help!! (11 replies)
  53. Autism ~ Donna Gates on youtube (1 replies)
  54. Would you worry? (3 replies)
  55. Jess is vomiting up blood (30 replies)
  56. How long did your LO suffer from reflux? (14 replies)
  57. What you can do to help prevent cancer (9 replies)
  58. Colonoscopy and Upper GI Endoscopy (14 replies)
  59. After gallbladder surgery (20 replies)
  60. 10 ways to Boost Immunity & 10 ways to Damage It (20 replies)
  61. What brand of sodium ascorbate? (3 replies)
  62. Help me, the addict (26 replies)
  63. Take the fear out of eating FAT (72 replies)
  64. Hyperthyroidism in Pregnancy (29 replies)
  65. Jewellery for healing? (1 replies)
  66. I've hit a 6mth hump (12 replies)
  67. Iron Supplements (28 replies)
  68. Calling any Naturopaths/Wholistic Healers in the house (5 replies)
  69. So, so, so over Acne (31 replies)
  70. Aplastic anemia (mild-moderate) (2 replies)
  71. *grumble* mastitis *grumble* (14 replies)
  72. Miscarriage & green discharge (32 replies)
  73. What fish oil? (6 replies)
  74. sore red bum (2 replies)
  75. Sore leg (1 replies)