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  1. To sew is to pray (2 replies)
  2. The Norwegian island that abolished time: 'you can cut the lawn at 4am' (2 replies)
  3. Reversing a gender transition (0 replies)
  4. TW At what point do we owe it to others... (30 replies)
  5. Positive Thinking or Positive Belief (1 replies)
  6. How do you "Parent Xmas"? (27 replies)
  7. Focus on (external) appearance - dealing with comments from others (1 replies)
  8. Dresses on baby boys (41 replies)
  9. Men's expectations after separation (8 replies)
  10. Is the modern fear of death a conspiracy by the medical profression to enhance their livelihood? (0 replies)
  11. Article: "Pregnancy, Pathology and the Medical Gaze in Modernity" (1 replies)
  12. Babies "choosing" their parents (55 replies)
  13. My problem with 'butch'. (16 replies)
  14. Midwife 'statistics' (62 replies)
  15. Cool to use Aboriginal Flag? (11 replies)
  16. 2012: my year of Reclaiming Human Functions (0 replies)
  17. The Goddess Nut (0 replies)
  18. The Abolition of Work (25 replies)
  19. Compulsory heterosexuality in children (33 replies)
  20. Transgender children - 7 year old self identified boy (39 replies)
  21. Manifesting, bringing something you desire to fruition. (51 replies)
  22. Unitarianism? (10 replies)
  23. What is community to you? (7 replies)
  24. Recommend books re. seasonal celebrations for Sth Hemisphere (20 replies)
  25. book recommendations? (3 replies)
  26. Any Derrick Jensen readers here? What are your thoughts? (0 replies)
  27. What kind of children do we raise, if this is what we believe of them...?? (52 replies)
  28. Yoga Philosophy notes from the VCI Festival (6 replies)
  29. Is my being an atheist just another form of indoctrination? (109 replies)
  30. Joyous Death (23 replies)
  31. Pain... why? (18 replies)
  32. Religious and Scientific discourse (4 replies)
  33. 'sinful' thoughts - is there such a thing? (272 replies)
  34. Imbolc, the first day of spring (38 replies)
  35. Creationism in action (17 replies)
  36. Prayer/Verse/Grace before a meal (24 replies)
  37. Raising our daughters to be "pretty" (3 replies)
  38. New trend in birthday parties (2 replies)
  39. Having babies and world over-population (25 replies)
  40. The Power of Prayer (16 replies)
  41. For our children (4 replies)
  42. Cohesion and Interconnectedness (2 replies)
  43. Learning to question spills over into the rest of my life (8 replies)
  44. the perfection of imperfection wabi-sabi in life and aesthetics (4 replies)
  45. Science, instinct, culture (1 replies)
  46. Ignorant racism (3 replies)
  47. The Vagina Monologues (book, not play) (2 replies)
  48. Embracing our dark selves (10 replies)
  49. Discussion about Invasion Day (58 replies)
  50. PaGaian Cosmology: Reinventing Earth-based Goddess Religion (6 replies)
  51. children's solstice books (16 replies)
  52. some meditation/mindfulness/Zen/Buddhist/you name it information (23 replies)
  53. celebrating summer solstice (4 replies)
  54. Dreams that come true. (25 replies)
  55. Goddess chants (1 replies)
  56. psychology of the MD (5 replies)
  57. Paganism & Witchcraft 101 (22 replies)
  58. my "issues" with JB (111 replies)
  59. What would you like to do with ex-farm animals? (47 replies)
  60. The invitation - inspiring words (2 replies)
  61. On Self-Confession... J L Langwood (0 replies)
  62. Stephanie Dowrick services (4 replies)
  63. A religious education dilemma (37 replies)
  64. What Will Our Children (As Adults) Say About Us? (22 replies)
  65. Birth and Death: Opportunities for Self-Transcendence (4 replies)
  66. what makes you keep going? (19 replies)
  67. The Ballad of Mary Magdalene (4 replies)
  68. No wonder people are turned off God (62 replies)
  69. Children picking up on your thoughts? (17 replies)
  70. Dream interpretation please???? Weirding me out!!! (13 replies)
  71. What is the purpose of religion? (20 replies)
  72. Do you believe in God? (113 replies)
  73. What do you think happens after someone dies? (98 replies)
  74. buddhism & feminism (11 replies)
  75. Bridging The Divide of Early Development (7 replies)