View Full Version : Philosophical Insight
- Talking (gently) to strangers about natural birth
- Spirituality for a post christian...
- What is love?
- interfaith calendar
- quiz to choose the right philosophy for YOU!
- Women-Centred Spirituality
- Ovo/lacto: a feminist issue
- atheist foundation article: the oppresion of women in religion
- "Return of the Great Goddess"
- Let go the guilt, it does not serve you
- Goddess Awakening: Empowering and Honouring Your Female Self
- What makes you define yourself as a woman?
- Pagan Ritual Groups?
- What defines a man then?
- SBS 8.30pm tonight - "Godless in America"
- Chivalry and Gallantry
- My philosophy on life
- Searching for something!!!
- What does the term Goddess mean to you?
- God's Debris
- Australia has a Burning Man Festival (for Samhain)!
- A womans right to breed
- Accidentally getting pregnant???
- Tibetan buddhism and treatment of women
- Assessing risk: test yourself!
- Anyone doing Samhain?
- Owl folklore?
- "Stillness" Stephanie Dowrick
- What is abundance?
- the perfect muslim wife
- Linguistics...
- interfaith ministry
- where do you sit on the political compass?
- Wicca Chit Chat Thread
- For pagan parents & children
- so what do you REALLY believe?
- Imbolc- light your candles
- Australian Pagan Business Directory
- Heard of the Liberation Prison Project?
- Spirituality/Religion & Parenting
- Spring Equinox - An Eostre Story
- "Voodoo / Wicca / Satanism" Shoot in French Vogue (PMSL!!!)
- So I was thinking...
- radical honesty? what do you think?
- astrology: a science or a crock?
- "The Pale Blue Dot" - Carl Sagan
- "Apply" to be batised
- Video Excerpt from "The Root of all Evil" - Richard Dawkins
- The "OUT" Campaign for Atheism
- Beltane Tomorrow! How are you celebrating?
- Clarification on use of words
- "Jesus Camp"
- thoughts on dealing with grief
- Bad Energy/Karma?
- Being a peacemaker - Stephanie Dowrick's newsletter excerpt
- Islam in Australia
- People of faith seen as nutters, says convert Blair
- gender diversity... please explain??
- Genital mutilation . . . in the Bible or not?
- summer solstice approaching
- Children developing a worldview and personal philosophy
- Avalon Calling
- Jihad Shelias on ABC tonight
- Who Astral Travels?
- Deepak Chopra
- Shrine to Sekhmet
- Anti-paganism anyone?
- Inspirational lyrics (Adelaide artist)
- Anyone here into Kleinian theory?
- A core belief or evidence of brainwashing?
- Is God Culturally Specific?
- The First Yule
- Kids and religion?
- How Open Minded Are You? How Open Minded Should We Be?
- What do you tell a 4 yo about death...?
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