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  1. DFAT 'ignored' Assange requests: lawyer (14 replies)
  2. Another take on fifty shades. TW: mentions pedophillia (32 replies)
  3. Semen is 'good for women's health and helps fight depression' (16 replies)
  4. Childbirth and the Law (118 replies)
  5. Circumcision, the ultimate parenting dilemma (13 replies)
  6. Mother of ten due with quins in Melb (20 replies)
  7. 'Legitimate rape' rarely leads to pregnancy, claims US Senate candidate *LIKELY TRIGGERING* (27 replies)
  8. Japan: 3D Printer Creates Copies of Your Live Fetus (3 replies)
  9. 'Bystanders left holding the baby' (21 replies)
  10. Brazil man survives steel rod through head (13 replies)
  11. Polar bear killed by zebra virus (1 replies)
  12. American family ass. calls for children to be kidnapped from LGBTQ parents (0 replies)
  13. Walnuts 'improve sperm health' (1 replies)
  14. Norwegian driver hits bear after trying to avoid moose (5 replies)
  15. They Finally see the light with Cough Mixtures! (2 replies)
  16. Vaccination article.. Must be a slow news week... (21 replies)
  17. oh boo hoo - Macca's isn't making profits (5 replies)
  18. Prominent Anthroposophic paediatrician faces tribunal over affair with patients' mother (11 replies)
  19. Physician calls for an end to bikini waxing (9 replies)
  20. Fight against sexist abuse sparks gamer backlash (14 replies)
  21. Don't read Body and Soul GRRR (3 replies)
  22. coroner-hears-that-homebirth-midwife-obstructed-hospital-******** (45 replies)
  23. Coroner rules newborn's death was preventable (15 replies)
  24. Mali unwed couple stoned to death (5 replies)
  25. Oxford University rewrites gender dress code (1 replies)
  26. 'One midwife for one mother' cuts caesar rates (9 replies)
  27. Hunter gatherer clue to obesity (0 replies)
  28. Filicide link to parental separation **TW: violence against children, child loss** (3 replies)
  29. Tribunals judge morals over errors as negligent doctors escape bans (0 replies)
  30. German drug maker covered up warnings about thalidomide risk (0 replies)
  31. US college fined $60m over sex abuse (3 replies)
  32. Jail term reduced for bus driver who filmed up girls' skirts **TW sexual assault, rape denial** (5 replies)
  33. We ********* our own babies (3 replies)
  34. Rape victim risks jail to name her attackers (3 replies)
  35. 60 minutes on breastfeeding (80 replies)
  36. GP dumps woman for choosing homebirth (32 replies)
  37. Nearsightedness increasing in children (10 replies)
  38. What should we call our vaginas? (22 replies)
  39. Is pregnant Yahoo CEO a landmark? (2 replies)
  40. Distributors of Thalidomide settle class action (sort of) (9 replies)
  41. India in 'womb removals' inquiry (2 replies)
  42. This Woman Went Topless in the City (18 replies)
  43. They said vagina on TV OMG OMG OMG (62 replies)
  44. Breasts: A natural and unnatural history (6 replies)
  45. Medical care inadequate 50% of the time? (23 replies)
  46. Westmead hospital to save breech babies (43 replies)
  47. Turkish doctors face fines for elective caesareans (7 replies)
  48. Smug Mums: in defence of the mothers you hate (32 replies)
  49. Is Hollywood making us fear menstruation? (0 replies)
  50. Exclusive breastfeeding linked to nut allergies in kids (43 replies)
  51. Baby giant panda dies after inhaling mother's milk (3 replies)
  52. US - men's rights groups becoming frighteningly effective (7 replies)
  53. Gynaecology phobia a dangerous trend (45 replies)
  54. Co-sleeping puts babies at risk: coroner (33 replies)
  55. Stolen baby hails 'liberating' verdict (6 replies)
  56. Miranda Kerr on why she didn't have an epidural. (28 replies)
  57. Smoking mothers' embryos 'grow more slowly' (6 replies)
  58. Another mamamia piece of tripe (94 replies)
  59. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for IVF 'is safe' (2 replies)
  60. Genetically modified babies (22 replies)
  61. Video of baby born in MRI machine - article (144 replies)
  62. Election in Iceland: Campaigning with nappies in hand (0 replies)
  63. Stopping the boats (31 replies)
  64. 'Honour' killing abhorrent (0 replies)
  65. Dumb, drunk and racist (20 replies)
  66. German court rules circumcision is 'bodily harm' (7 replies)
  67. The 'baby box' returns to Europe (15 replies)
  68. Sexism sells - Unilever "Sexism dovetails with hypocrisy" (1 replies)
  69. In Defence of Birth Plans - Tara Moss (article) (68 replies)
  70. You may carry cells from siblings, aunts and uncles (3 replies)
  71. Study: Feminists More Likely Than Non-Feminists To Back Attachment Parenting (2 replies)
  72. Coroner rules dingo killed Azaria Chamberlain (17 replies)
  73. Prometheus Movie - FYI *triggers* (4 replies)
  74. The demise of op-shops - article (65 replies)
  75. Forget 4yo health checks. 3's the new 4. (54 replies)