View Full Version : Media Alert
- Lawsuits pile up over popular birth control pills
- !!! Inquiry call for ideas to stop child abuse
- Dad saves baby's life
- Midwife ordered to pay $6.6m
- What the fuck is wrong with us?
- Chevron asks employees about reproduction history, including stillbirths and abortions
- Chatting with Petra Collins About Her Menstruating-Vagina Shirt
- How to spot a feminist.
- just in case you experience unidentifiable vaginal wetness during pregnancy.....
- WHOA - what a birth story
- Russian Tampon Ad
- Shocking birth photo of Mexican woman Irma Lopez
- Are we too invested in birthing performance?
- How birth affects brain development
- Second pregnant woman in Nauru detention a 'serious health concern'
- Powerful UN Women ads reveal horrifying sexism in Google autocomplete
- Breastfeeding images from Daily Mail (UK).
- transgender dad who breastfeeds
- Women who have abortions deserve to die: doctor says
- Senegal: A leap forward on infant survival
- Rhea Dempsey is With Woman
- Britan is Paying Mums to Breastfeed
- Watch out for this one
- the beginning of Australian personhood laws?
- Mechanic invents device to help mums in labour
- International Men's Day....
- War against natural medicine
- BMJ - why do doctors make great tyrants?
- The Vagina Diaries - ABC2
- Growing concerns over side-effects & soaring prescription rates of psychiatric drug Seroquel
- Vaginal Knitting!
- The silence of men
- Woman has child taken from her womb by social services - Britain
- Caesarean rates rise in Perth hospitals
- Robin Thicke really is that gross
- Is this the beginning of the end for the Brazilian?
- Lingerie football league coming to ch7
- Who Is Nelson Mandela?
- Side effects may include death
- "Posting a child's life for the world to see is a privacy issue"
- Cory Bernardi thinks 'crunchiness' is a good thing
- Baby bonus causes childhood obesity....
- Corinne Grant article - I'm Strayan and I Love Stayin' Dumb
- Free Bleeding is a 4chan Hoax / 4chan is trying to make 'free bleeding' the latest Twitter trend
- Breast feeding: Australia contributes to huge global decline
- Canberra Hospital to run classes for mothers on caesarean births
- The myth (and oxymoron) of the gentle caesarean
- Members of Pussy Riot Whipped at Sochi *TW - Violence*
- "HPV vaccine safe and effective" according to study
- Truckie changes career to become a midwife
- Caesareans twice as likely in private hospitals: report
- SMH: Infant formula industry to handle complaints on its marketing to new mums
- Nasa-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for 'irreversible collapse'?
- Moral injury
- NSW - coal seam gas project contaminates aquifer
- When getting your period means being shunned
- Doctors driving rising rates of caesareans, surveys find
- Tiny Transforming Apartment - 8 Rooms in 32sqm
- Father Wins Right to Vaccinate his Children
- Whooping cough vaccine is failing - SMH article
- Article - The Hate Debate (Vaccination)
- The Danger of the Monster Myth
- Tonight 8:30 ABC2: Other people's breast milk
- Hacker breaks into baby monitor camera
- HPV tests to replace Pap testing
- 2014/15 Federal Budget (thread of lamentations)
- the truth is out!
- Tony Abott's daughter given $60 000 Scholarship by a supporter
- AHPRA investigated and found wanting - again
- Study Survey ~ Attitudes Towards Vaccination
- Female Chauvinist Pigs
- Babies dying due to dangerous sleeping arrangements: "nap nanny"
- Circumcision on the rise despite hospital ban
- Born in the Wild - New Reality TV series
- Thandie Newton: 'My home births felt normal'
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