View Full Version : Media Alert
- "Autistic woman banned from having sex"
- Tara Moss on Breastfeeding, Facebook and Breast Exposure
- Breast offence one big booby
- Birth induced so dying father could hold daughter
- Woman fired because she wanted to pump milk at work
- Gay Panic Defence - Murder
- tough love article
- "You Didn't Thank Me For Punching You In The Face"
- Pregnancy Diabetes to increase with new test
- The outrageous harassment of homebirthing families and their attendants
- Another excuse to violate women. Ultrasound Before abortion law in US
- New study finds arsenic in baby formula
- Midwifery in the 1950s - and how it compares to today
- Sinister surgeon deceives 152 women
- "Doctor cleared of horse woman abuse"
- DNA s not destiny
- Anyone up for a test tube burger?
- Health watchdog cannot warn public about anti-jab group: court
- **TRIGGER WARNING** Child murder by parent
- Mia Freedman shares her wisdom on breastfeeding advocacy
- Unlimited human eggs 'potential' for fertility treatment
- AMA in WA pushing for personhood of the fetus to deter homebirths
- "UK celebrity nearly dies during childbirth"
- PTSD and the adoption scheme of the 50s, 60s, 70s- WA govt to apologize
- Tara Moss responds to Mia Freedman's article on breastfeeding
- "Myth and fact in the gluten debate " article
- Ethicists argue for acceptance of "after birth abortions".
- Doctors' new challenge: foreskins have got to go
- Infancy health risk linked to early birth by research
- Ceres in Brunswick contaminated :(
- US - TSA forces woman to pump in public restroom before boarding plane
- Don’t say no to sex, even if you are not ready, childcare guru Gina F**d tells new mothers
- 3x parents sue Victorian DET re: religious education
- Standing by the dubious bravery of a wife-beater - grab your torches and pitchforks!
- Kony 2012
- toddler tantrum sees family booted off flight
- Doctor Cleared in Virginity Tests - *trigger warning*
- French report calls for end to sexualisation of children
- Project Unbreakable - Healing through Art **Trigger Warnings - Sexual Assault**
- Study: Drug induced births linked to C Sections
- Argentine court decriminalises abortion in rape cases
- Mamamia again sharing wisdom on home birth
- news report on vaccines
- A celebrity is having a home birth
- This poor mum
- Oh Dear...
- Caesareans Limit Options, so avoid dangerous natural birth?
- Calls for GP's to help amid baby boom in WA
- Atlantic Monthly Gets It All Wrong About Home Birth
- Whooping cough beats vaccine - article
- Boys need Gardasil....
- Article: Organised Misogyny Org **trigger warnings** suicide mentioned
- More anit-chioce propaganda
- mamamia circumcision study
- Mum left distraught.
- Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound
- Trusting Birth Film - Crowdfunding Campaign
- The Afghan girls who live as boys
- Mum cleared. Coroner's ruling overturned 8 years on.
- Tent embassy opens branch in Brisbane
- Most cheap metal jewllery is toxic
- Toxic toys
- Offensive Shirts For Toddlers
- Scissors, shoelaces, vodka used in mid-air birth (trigger warnig)
- Anyone watch "Country Town Rescue"?
- Desperate father asks court to prevent abortion
- Actress: I still breastfeed my 3 1/2year old
- Obstetric violence laws in Venezuela
- Breastfeeding Rebels in China
- Are our street names sexist?
- Newborn baby found alive in morgue 12 hours after being declared dead
- Ashley Judd's thoughful, feminist response to criticism of her personal appearance
- Forced Sterilisation in Uzbekistan
- Brighten your vagina!
- Sweden's Gender-Neutral Push Gains Ground
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