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- Dr slams older mothers-- on channel 9 news and in papers
- Polyamory - relevent to happy families?
- fat tax- your thoughts
- NSW police commissioner on rape prevention
- Four Corners - on now - sex trafficking in Australia
- Two Russian families given wrong babies 12 years ago
- Barry Walters - Pregnancy advice about facts, not values - ob who said couples selfish
- Woman to Give Birth as Performance Art
- Academics Respond to the Debate on Selfish Mothers
- Stop press!!! Celebrity has NATURAL home birth!!!!
- Oil spill on the east coast of NZ
- Rape doctor allowed to practise **trigger warnings rape culture**
- "Raising Girls in a Modern World" survey opportunity
- Formula for a successful American Movie
- Orphanage owner accused of impregnating 17 girls
- 4 corners - premmie bubs *trigger warning*
- Viewpoint: Is the alcohol message all wrong?
- Spain's stolen babies and the families who lived a lie
- Satellite to prevent HSC cheats
- Teach breastfeeding at school, experts say
- Free birth article
- Makeup makes women seem more competant - Study
- performance artist gives birth in gallery
- Why didn't you take a taxi?
- Birthrape exposed, hospital where mothers died coming under huge scrutiny *trigger warning*
- Babies should sleep with their mother for at least 3 years
- Woman faces jail for grabbing steward's crotch
- Interesting English article - All women get right to have a caeserean on the NHS even if not needed
- Reflections on survival and graciousness
- Sex offenders lie to dodge ineffective job checks *trigger warnings sexual abuse, children*
- Cervical cancer cases and deaths halved
- Katter says domestic violence due to overcrowding
- Benevolent society apologises for forced adoptions
- Judge William Adams beats daughter for using the internet *TRIGGERS GRAPHIC CHILD ABUSE*
- Recruits Paramedic
- Breastfeeding "celebrities"...
- The bald & the beautiful - article
- "I went back to work 3 hours after giving birth"
- Mississippi gov. supports amendment to declare fertilized egg a person
- WDYT? "The Truth about MSG" - article
- PETA says: don't wear ANY fur (even your own)
- Indians aim to guarantee baby is born on 11/11/11
- Testicle bite woman Maria Topp given suspended sentence
- Sexist SKINS ad campaign
- Who needs a cot or a pram when you're bringing up a baby?
- Sexist trolling on the internet - articles from the New Statesman **Warning rape mentioned**
- Woman reprimanded by judge for breastfeeding in courtroom
- Ohio mother charged with rape of 10 month old son
- (US) Anti co-sleeping ad *trigger warning*
- Exposing the Agenda Behind the Protocols of Hospital Birth
- Completely honest OB/GYN *fluff*
- Wtf? 6yo charged with sexual assault for playing doctor
- Birth Trauma in hospital is driving women to homebirth
- RWH monumental fuck up
- The Conversation - Comfortable, Safe and In Control - why women should have the option to homebirth
- Tax threat to parents who don't have their children immunised
- Home birth 'carries higher risk' for first-time mothers
- Record High For Induced Births in NSW
- Parents 'nailed toddler's bedroom door shut' *trigger warning*
- UK study around perineal tearing with analgesia vs non analgesia
- Teenage mothers benefits at risk
- Mum gives birth naturally to 6kg baby
- Forget the rod, it's irresponsible adults who spoil children
- Deaths of sleeping babies triggers inquest warning
- A child failed:*trigger warning sexual abuse*
- Adult stem cells may have been found in breast milk
- Jailed Afghan rape victim freed but 'to marry attacker'
- Be careful of this party! POTENTIAL TRIGGER
- When having a baby can cause you to 'lose your mind'
- *trigger* Rapist moves in next door (and suggests she should just get over it?!!)
- Emergency Prem birth article- they got it mostly right!
- (Alleged) Murderers are cool now.
- The Coroner's dodgy statistics
- We have a new federal health minister
- "Show us your tits" - a girl's letter about schoolies. WARNING- Potential triggers
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