View Full Version : Media Alert
- "Pregnant Robot Trains Students"
- Six months breastfeeding could harm babies, scientists say
- Jackie O talks about arrival of her baby
- LLL and Unicef fight back at breastfeeding 'study', woo hoo!
- Gluten intolerance possible without coeliac disease, study finds
- Kidman "Gestational Carrier"
- Miranda Kerr first photo of son - Breastfeeding
- Canadian woman forced to leave mall for breastfeeding
- *HORRIFIC CONTENT WARNING* Arrests In Illegal Abortion Clinic in US Dubbed 'House Of Horrors'
- Proposed Flood Levy???! (How About They Stop Buying More Weapons Instead???)
- 3 month old baby dies of neglect while parents raise online virtual child.
- Fascinating article on the need for LESS prenatal care from 1989
- Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior
- Dads banned from filming birth in new privacy clamp down by hospitals
- Rebuttal to "Why Chinese mothers are surperior"
- Father's thoughts on cosleeping
- ***Trigger Warning*** Dr A my has a new anti hb blog
- Nurse had no concerns for thin baby
- Knives out over sale of ringside surgery seats
- It's happening in Australia - medical students perform exams on unconscious patients **may trigger**
- Media - Caesarean Sections on the Rise in Australia
- Anyone for Flu Vaccine with your Corn??
- Premature Cord Clamping = Oxygen Deprivation & Possible Link To Autism, Suggestion.
- Holy Crap! New BARBIE ad just floored me!
- Medicare midwifery clinic
- Dr.Phil guest charged with child abuse *trigger*
- who would have thought?
- The Vaccine War- on tonight SBS 1/2/2011
- Research Article - Epidemiology and trends for caesarean section births in NSW
- Why African Babies Don't Cry
- Cyclone baby born in evac centre
- Dr Nicholas Fogelson on delayed clamping (via Gloria Lemay)
- Mom gives birth to 13 lb 2 oz baby in Methuen
- Confessions of a co-sleeper
- Hospital urges end to bottle feeding
- Supermodel slapped over sunscreen 'poison' slip
- Medical schools fail conflict of interest test
- Dirty lyrics top Australian charts
- No link between autism and vaccination...
- Pharmacist mistakes abortion drug for antibiotic
- WA Report in the news
- Some things cost more than you realise
- Give Matthew Newton the red card
- Tizzie Hall on 'The Circle'
- ..and pron culture sinks to a new low *may trigger*
- women files complaint against hospital after miscarriage
- Radio Interview with Doula, Lucy Perry
- Aust Catholic Uni offers generous paid parental leave
- Mum sues after newborn smothered
- Sleep deprived mum forgets baby
- Lesbian partner has same parental rights
- Milk sharing: boon or biohazard?
- Leading women lay off the f-word but are we better served without it?
- Women freed from illegal baby ring
- Trendy UK icecream parlour sells breast milk icecream
- reason 34395934020402 to stay home
- Quake Docs Amputate Legs With Leatherman
- Device to prevent hemorrhoids during vaginal birth given FDA approval
- Market gardens 'not safe' (Sydney)
- Glycemic Institute Halts Trials of Agave Due to "Severe" side effects
- Pop star Brian McFadden pens new ode to date rape *possible triggers*
- British baby girl Ella Claxton brought back to life after being frozen for three days
- Lost middle-class tribe's 'secret' eco-village in Wales spotted in aerial photograph
- Elizabeth Broderick (Sex Discrimination Commissioner) article + IWD info
- Doctor Gets Court Order to Confine Pregnant Woman Against Her Will
- US Politician wants to make miscarriage illegal **Trigger Warning**
- Sharing the load trumps pay for dads
- Balanced article on Home vs. Hospy in mainstreamers mag
- F-word must be refreshed and reclaimed by a new generation
- Man in Jail for Raping Neice, 4yo
- "Birthrights" a series of docos presented by Al Jazeera English
- What a pile of shit-predicting-I'm-a-god-crap.
- Doctor found guilty of genital mutilation...
- Vegetarian couple denied adoption
- Karicare Formula Ad
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