View Full Version : Media Alert
- San Francisco considers banning baby circumcision
- Are Mothers in a Prison Built by Attachment Parenting & Green Living?
- Too scared to push: big rise reported in birth trauma
- breast exams given in a night club
- Disorder risk for overdue babies
- Deregistered obstetrician faces tribunal
- Rights for unborn babies
- Call to change smack laws *trigger warning*
- US Flight attendant asked to show prosthetic breast in security screening
- Prenatal Ultrasonography Has Increased 55%, even in Low-Risk Pregnancies
- Australian babies most sleep-deprived
- Surgery cut as nurses plan strike
- Baby elephant tv doco Chanel 7
- Vic hospitals 'fake patients for cash'
- Why Australian law demands all vaginas be digitally altered (NSFW)
- *trigger warning murder mentioned* single women and mob phones
- Obstetrician faces raft of serious patient complaints
- Pre-pubescent "virgin bikini waxing"
- Doctors forced to break babies bones to ******* them safely
- Oppositional Defiance Disorder- Article
- Why you NEED pitocin in labor
- False Accusations of Muchausen's By Proxy: The Truth Behind the Label - Vaccines a Differential
- Woman gives birth in the snow - sheets are essential!
- 'Get Your Tits Out' Campaign To Raise Money For Cancer In NZ. Website Crashes...
- Withholding information about hospital mistakes? Surely not?
- Medicare rorts cost public purse $10 million
- porn in the name of breast cancer awareness *sigh*
- Mother kept in "glass cage" at airport for refusing to have EBM x-rayed
- language of police: beauty = possible rape
- "Is Fear of Childbirth Really a Disorder?"
- My friend told to cover up while breastfeeding! Comments on the page/help needed.
- Pro-smacking article - please add your comment!
- Profile finds rapists ordinary and 'nice'
- White mothers of stolen children also deserve an apology **Triggers birthrape, adoption**
- Minnesota to limit early elective inductions.
- world first, women gives birth in MRI
- Undercover at a gay "cure" group.
- New call against sharing bed
- Mirren blasts Hollywood for penis worship
- Accidentally Set On Fire During C-Section
- Home Birth program a success but Scarf Boi still wants you to go to a hospital >:(
- Diabetes link to early birth, caesareans etc etc etc Study
- Man rapes child, feels remorse. ***trigger warning***
- Who hears you, when you speak about rape?
- a WHO rep speaks about informal milk-sharing
- Vale Ruth Park
- More whinging about the cost of birth.
- Mothers warned not to delay births for parental leave
- Doctors blocking us, say midwives...
- Intriguing new book on the history of childbirth
- AMA boss denies bar on midwives
- Deadly "super-bug" found in NSW Hospitals
- 'Your son is gone. He's with his adoptive parents' *triggers*
- Researcher points out how usless Gardisil is.
- Breast milk and gender differences
- Manhunt after crossbow slaying
- Regulator fails to keep register of drug company gifts
- Shameless-HB and BF
- "Huckleberry Finn" is being edited to censor the word "nigger."
- Mother set to appeal ruling on daughter living in 'cult'
- Ina May vs Dr Amy
- Couple aborts twin boys for girl
- Princess Mary births twins
- Contraceptive implant under scrutiny (Implanon)
- Judge orders 5y.o to sleep at fathers house
- In a pink fit
- Woman gives birth in flood affected Lockyer Valley
- "Why breastfeeding is overrated"
- Miranda Kerr Gives Birth Au Naturel
- Map of Tasmania - Amanda Palmer song
- Petition to stop release of Kanye West's women-hating 'Monster' video - TRIGGER WARNING
- Advice to wean at 3/4 months in the UK....... *shakes head*
- Ordered to have vaccine
- Owen Wilson and girlfriend welcome baby
- Mum accused of using facebook while son drowns in bath
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