View Full Version : Media Alert
- New wave of anti-abortion laws punish sexually active women
- Suspect flu vaccine to remain in use
- Teen mum in labour for 20 days
- New York woman fired from Citibank 'for being too hot'
- Big Brother Is Watching
- A headline which says Rape and not "has sex with"
- Vale Carrie Bradshaw by Helen Razer
- Gov'ts new "paid parental leave" actually doesn't include leave
- When difference of desire is sold as a deficiency
- Why nurturing a passionate marriage is more important than breast-feeding
- Diagnosis by vaginal examination.
- Woman gives birth on train.
- Home births a major risk; Herald Sun
- HIV, hepatitis fears after failings in hygiene care at clinic
- Catholics try new tack in ethics row
- Bhopal verdict - no executives found guilty
- Neanderthal Genome Sequenced
- Assessing the Risks, Benefits of Oxygen Therapies for Preemies *preterm/NICU triggers
- Kids of lesbians have fewer behavioural problems
- Should hysterectomies be phased out the way tonsillectomies have been?
- Chemical castration enacted in law in Poland
- Homebirth mothers being refused prescriptions
- Lingerie ad sparks debate over burka
- Health advantages of staying in utero after forty weeks
- Commonwealth Reinstates Witchburning (Castlemaine Independent)
- Teenage mum charged with manslaughter
- Roxon optimistic about homebirth future
- Another baby dies at a hospital birth *trigger warning*
- More non-food
- Homebirths legal but Midwives not indemnified
- Mummy Monologues - What Women Want - talking about homebirth
- Patients are people, not guinea pigs
- Hospital, uni in blame game over research breach
- Birth-to-8yo data tracking for SA children
- Connecting with baby before birth
- Absurd, childish.... RANCID of course
- ABC host faces child pronography charge
- Virgin Blue condoned porn, claim sacked workers
- International Support For Witch Burning In Australia (Good Ole Castlemaine Independen
- Big brother wants all your bits and bytes
- Pregnancy made into nine-month guilt trip
- Study finds increased diabetes risk for mothers who don’t breastfeed
- Elite school harboured sex abuser
- Caesarean Sections 2 part discussion : Radio National (links)
- With a little Sunshine, home birth rate is due to expand
- Many midwives unaware new laws affect them
- Labs hatching inequality : male vs female research income
- Mama You're on Her Mind ~ Feminist Article
- Abused wife granted a bigger divorce payout
- The Contented Parents
- Woman in plane crash was a midwife
- Fielding attacked for abortion reference
- Mother who gives teenage daughter Botox now teaches her 7-year-old to POLEDANCE
- Obesity can impact sex life
- Reasons women withhold sex
- Welfare quarantining being extended in NT
- Bullying played part in suicide of Alex, 14: coroner
- Treat women as equals: Gillard
- Healthcare reform in the US, impacts on pg women.
- Hard Labour: The Age
- Woman assaulted for refusing sex. **trigger warnings**
- What women don't want - Moira Raynor on sexual harrassment
- Hands Free Breast Pump Anyone? Does both breasts at once!
- Baby’s first bacteria depend on birth route
- Why the silence on Johns dropping the c-bomb?
- Heather Osland's victory
- Former Detective Tells of Intimidation to Drop Rape Charges Against Football Players
- Have modern brides forgotten feminism?
- first female prime minister..
- BP suck - Torching Seat turtles *warning truly horrid animal abuse described*
- Call to test mums-to-be for smoking
- Another doula ban, another bad birth plan
- Local newspaper article on homebirths.
- Breaking News ~ The PMs Hair
- Fantastic Article "Labor rebirth: it's a girl" by Catherine Deveny
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