View Full Version : Media Alert
- Excellent blog I discovered!
- Sigh...another 'it doesn't matter how they're born' article
- Merck & Co draw up a doctor "hit list"
- Baby dies after toilet birth
- Iowa is the third State in the US to recognise same sex marriage
- Dangerous chemical found in baby formula in USA
- ABC story about chocolate
- More drink driving
- Go vote -
- UK pub bars pregnant woman to 'protect unborn child'
- Saoirsewoman in the paper!!
- New Idea article "I breastfeed my Dad"
- Death twice as likely by caesarean
- radio interview
- Smack costs dad his daughter
- Pesce & Weaver article on ABC website
- Miranda Devine in todays SMH
- Homebirthers are the reckless one?? Police stop speedy car......
- Baby deaths in hospitals covered up
- Protesters hit streets for bubs
- ABC unleashed - GO comment
- Don't click on M.iranda D.evine
- BMJ research paper on homebirth
- Breastfeeding ettiquette
- The Sunday Times- 'Big risks' in home births, says report
- Old article but interesting reading - caesareans increase hysterectomy risk
- Celebrity Caesar....
- The night Max wore his wolf suit...
- Philosophy in school
- Fear in Childbirth Research - You tube
- This what Hobart has for hospital services
- Home Births 'as safe as hospital' - BBC
- ABC "Who body snatched Ted Weaver"
- article on drug company behaviour
- SMH - MW HB As Safe As Hospital, Says Study
- Homebirth is safe?
- OMFG - babies fed pureed takeaway
- 530,000 mums prove home birth is safe - GO VOTE!
- Free legal help for sex assault victims
- Solar panels for hot water systems
- More bugs to catch
- on hb
- Another +ve from The Independent
- CBA to increase fixed home loan rate on Monday?
- Baby mix ups in Qld
- Caesareans hit record levels in NZ
- Newborn left on doorstep
- Hi-5 porn
- Scotland encouraging homebirth
- Susan Boyle offered $1 mil to lose virginity on camera!
- mX: "non-job" breastfeeding peer support co-ord
- Bega doctor's lawyers warned not to delay
- Britain's got talent
- The Age - Maternity Survey
- centre for mothers and babies meeting 24th April
- Law makes babies property of government
- Dateline: Children poisoned by lead thanks to bungled UN rehousing plan
- grrr channel 7 ads for a guilt trip show about non vaxxers
- Pregnant Women Chased By A Bear, Gets Hit By A Car
- Who owns our bodies? Woman charged with aborting her own pregnancy in QLD
- Give me hospital over home birth any day
- Another one: "No Room in Hospital" - Southern Highland News
- Deadly new flu strain breaks out in Mexico and U.S.
- Woman Births Twins on Fifth Ave
- Jessica the hippo
- Billings Method on Compass Now!
- Ban the breast pump....OMG
- breast milk test to detect cancer!
- **GRAPHIC WARNING** man charged with attempted rape/murder of child
- Homebirth Brings Joy
- Fantastic "Essay on the Factory Model of Childbirth" feminist essay
- 29-stone mum feeds her 8mo triplets McD's
- Homeopathics for kids on Channel TEN soon.
- Big op overcomes small anxiety: Siberian surgeons add 8cms
- Childbirth Heals Ricki
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