View Full Version : Media Alert
- Deputy coroner wants difficult births in operating theatres
- $1 flights on sale only tonight
- Barbie feels her age at 50
- Breast cancer testing puts women at risk
- New midwifery service - Alice Springs
- Child attempts suicide to save dad
- Another violent attack by an estranged husband
- Action needed to reduce child homicide (Australian Stats)
- OMG this is horrible 'botched abortion' *distressing*
- Obesity epidemic now affecting babies
- Father jailed for decapitating his baby **graphic details**
- TV SHow Triple Zero Heroes
- At least 200 dead in Victoria bushfires
- Salma Hayek breastfeeds child of starving woman.
- UN Agency halts aid to Gaza
- Secret life of a society playboy
- SOUTH Australia is one of the safest places on earth to have a baby
- Request to 'pull the plug' denied...why???....she's fertile!!
- Abuse, a sick joke from the father of the bride **abuse triggers**
- Media circus greets Patel
- Singer performs at the Grammys on her "due" date
- Doctor ******** own baby on side of road
- Pastor's abortion dream inflames bushfire tragedy
- Nutri-Grain ad
- Newborn baby's body found at Sydney Tip
- Testosterone to blame for economic crisis
- Sydney taxi driver admits rapes
- High alert in Manly as four women sexually assaulted
- Woman freebirths in fire aftermath
- two child limit for paid maternity leave
- Something nice about a cot...
- Fears 'Mata Haris' trade sex for secrets
- US judges admit jailing children for money
- 13 yo boy & 15 yo girl are parents
- Bringing up Baby- ABC - threads merged - email addy for complaints in the thread
- Article - good and bad
- Amazon Yanks Rape Simulation Game
- Senate approves $42b stimulus package
- Wet nursing...
- They make games like this!?!
- I went to one of these last night!
- UK - Baby bled to death after circumcision, inquest told
- Diabetes in spotlight as babies arrive supersized
- The "Authorities" Resolve Against Home Birth - JOGNN
- Muslim women 'face crisis over violence'
- Men exploiting the rental crisis...
- Public hospital births double risk for mother and baby
- DIY kit for alcohol in bm
- Rationing c/secs due to financial constraints
- Saudi names first female minister
- Banks to charge for ATM balance checks
- Compassion seems to be lacking here
- UK - Eight-year-old girl starves herself to death because of extreme dental phobia
- Celebrity breastfeeds african newborn
- Centrelink to recognise same-sex relationships
- Many more caesareans in private hospitals
- Guess how long it takes Svetlana to shave her legs!
- Australian tourist in seven-hour rape ordeal in Edinburgh
- Knox sex case: second arrest (sex abuse in school)
- Teen mum Bristol Palin speaks out against pregnancy
- Dentist charged with child sex offences
- Socialite Onesie.. blerk...
- Naomi Watts' CS scar photographed by paparazzi
- Why there are no real men today
- Positive article on homebirth in VERY mainstream newspaper!
- 'It was a C-Section or suicide!'
- Attacked woman chases her attacker
- Polish police hold priest, doctor in child porn raids
- Vaccine book brings out hidden support
- Continuity of midwifery care undervalued
- Maternity units 'herding yards'
- Attack seen as 'mother's instinct'
- Healthy diet vs popping supplements
- Why repeat c/secs are not a good thing
- Nice fluffy piece on "bump" art
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