View Full Version : Media Alert
- Half of all pregnancies unexpected (article)
- Musician blames doctor for newborn baby's death
- Epidural babies can't get grip on what's breast
- Foxtel Birth Shows
- Aussie bub dies in hospy whilst co-sleeping with exhausted, drugged Mama
- Woman Catches on fire during C-section
- Bikini booze-up slammed
- Pram related death
- triplets for woman with two wombs
- victory for integrity as kemh trio vindicated
- west again: elective cesareans just dont make sense.
- Smallville rant and PPH questions
- Suddam Hussein executed.
- Newborn addicts double in 5 years
- Beattie defends hotline over baby death
- Changes to more crap on NYD
- 67 year old woman has twins in Spain
- Women "moved on" from Feminism
- Bodies - ABC
- Women give birth in emergency department
- Girl dies in hot car
- US 'heroes' catch falling toddler
- a midwife advertising on tv
- Another clebrity homebirth
- CP girl undergoes surgery to remain small.
- Stem cells found plentiful in amniotic fluid
- Womb transplants?
- Woman goes into hospital to give birth - catches on fire
- HELP- Nazanin Mahabad Fatehi ONLINE PETITION
- *a little wish* had its media break in 2006
- triplets homebirthed
- Not in the news but...
- In the UK: Midwife shortage threatens to derail government pledge on home births
- The Vagina Monoliths
- Extreme Birthing
- Adelaide man "d.elivers" his second child...
- Over Parented
- Jessica Rowe has 'natural' birth
- I am project
- ani difranco's homebirth
- mum gives birth in toilet
- new scientist article
- Yet another reason to homebirth
- an inconvenient truth
- Tina Arena's son born by 'emergency' c-sec - was it really?
- "Research d.elivers new debate on birth"
- "Man makes claim for lack of affection from his wife"
- Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood transfusion for sextuplets, government intervenes
- Birthrites wants your birth announcement!
- 'The Secret' channel 9 Sat night
- Harry Potter and Equine Friend
- Formula for profit seen as recipe for disaster
- homosexuality invades family life through music...
- one step forward, 2 steps back..
- US Pork Board vs. Lactavist Blog
- 'the mommy uprising' - article in Boston Magazine- interesting
- The Vagina Monologues name change.
- Mother's Day Card Making Banned.
- homebirth on 'Home and Away'...
- Anna Nicole Smith found dead in a hotel room
- Matilda catch of the day
- Do Daughters Cause Divorce? (an article from 2003)
- Saving Babies!
- In case of terrorist attack, follow these hilarious signs...
- caesareans in the news today
- Study: HOW praise is bad for kids.
- Baby dies from Heart Attack induced by Circumcision.
- New Anti-Hospital Birth Doco
- Caesareans timed to get kids in top schools
- Calling all Babywearers
- Lasting risk of being born small
- Lights Off Australia.
- Education Dept claims Bullying Builds Character.
- March 2007 Care Supporting Normal Birth is Best for Mothers and Babies
- HBF Members - HBF back pats artificial baby milk users
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