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  1. It's just getting worse...... (7 replies)
  2. It's not going well (37 replies)
  3. Why is she cutting her clothes?????????? (15 replies)
  4. Accepting Our Perfectly Imperfect Children In Public: Do You Ever Hide? (41 replies)
  5. big brother hurting sibling (9 replies)
  6. help with my jealous and possesive one year old (11 replies)
  7. Mums with 3 year olds - what do you do all day? (29 replies)
  8. HEELLPPP! needed with 3 year old who runs the house (17 replies)
  9. praise and passive observation - article by Aldort (17 replies)
  10. Aspergers (12 replies)
  11. Helping tidy up (25 replies)
  12. Button pressing (5 replies)
  13. biting me! (2 replies)
  14. Nipple self-tweaking toddler (3 replies)
  15. Labelling moods as 'good' and 'bad' (10 replies)
  16. the 'fors' and 'againsts' having an only child (25 replies)
  17. Ditching the dummy (16 replies)
  18. Bullying animals (16 replies)
  19. How did your parents parent you? (23 replies)
  20. Smacking- Why not?? (7 replies)
  21. Stranger Danger (11 replies)
  22. New ways to communicate (3 replies)
  23. Something's not right... (27 replies)
  24. hair pulling/rough play (6 replies)
  25. Not another *$#%^& butt joke (19 replies)
  26. Did we deal with this the right way? (5 replies)
  27. Finding myself getting so angry! (19 replies)
  28. Helping almost 2 year old adjust to new sibling (19 replies)
  29. 3 year old testosterone surge (1 replies)
  30. Rules and consequences (35 replies)
  31. how to motivate an unmotivated child? (10 replies)
  32. Is there a difference between punishment and consequences? (27 replies)
  33. Head scratcher. (4 replies)
  34. Teen issues...please help fast! (10 replies)
  35. Distancing before birth... (3 replies)
  36. Look at me! Look at me! Mum, looooook at me!! (5 replies)
  37. Igniting empathy in a child.. (16 replies)
  38. Traumatised by having his hair washed. (31 replies)
  39. 11month old needs Mum (11 replies)
  40. maybe a dumb question about cosleeping... (13 replies)
  41. Loud, high pitched talking (3 replies)
  42. Headbanging (13 replies)
  43. Rebirthing (9 replies)
  44. How do I deal with this? (6 replies)
  45. upside down world. advice pls (7 replies)
  46. agh!!!! (31 replies)
  47. HeavenlyHippy's journey to better parenting (114 replies)
  48. Hostility, Children Acting On It & How Best To Handle It...? (13 replies)
  49. Smacking and abuse - Where do they draw the line? (93 replies)
  50. Squealing Toddler, what do you do? (13 replies)
  51. Articles and/or explanations help please (4 replies)
  52. Being "abused" by your kids (102 replies)
  53. children and money/allowances (3 replies)
  54. anger management for pre schoolers and their parents (9 replies)
  55. How would you approach this? (2 replies)
  56. Help me help my son with learning (15 replies)
  57. Today's Scott Noelle -- The Art of Uplifting (4 replies)
  58. How parents violate children's boundaries (75 replies)
  59. Attachment parenting vs permissive parenting (47 replies)
  60. Respecting a teens privacy.... (57 replies)
  61. Breaking through the fussy food stage (0 replies)
  62. just wanted to share part of our day (1 replies)
  63. Toilet regression (7 replies)
  64. How do you keep your cool... (12 replies)
  65. Setting boundaries (14 replies)
  66. Biting HELP (4 replies)
  67. FYI - Heart to Heart Parenting $20 via Avon NOW! (17 replies)
  68. discipline? (27 replies)
  69. Gettin' clever (46 replies)
  70. what next? (3 replies)
  71. Supporting your child when they've been snubbed (6 replies)
  72. Banana Wars - Does it matter in the scheme of things? (19 replies)
  73. Anger: Protecting our boundaries (8 replies)
  74. Unwanted opinions (19 replies)
  75. Changing my parenting, I don't know where to start (14 replies)