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  1. Babe showing huge interest in solids & only 5 months old (17 replies)
  2. Advice about pups and babes (32 replies)
  3. New sibling adjustment. (28 replies)
  4. What they want and what you want them to want? (29 replies)
  5. 3yo hand in pants (13 replies)
  6. Over-the-top praising MIL help!!! (21 replies)
  7. Jekyll and Hyde 4 year old (14 replies)
  8. Making creche work for us (20 replies)
  9. Would you allow your 15year old to... (89 replies)
  10. How to be zen about whinging? (27 replies)
  11. Biting (10 replies)
  12. anyone else have a fiercly independant, constantly destructive messer upperer? (39 replies)
  13. Aggressive 2.5 year old. (4 replies)
  14. WWYD dog & children (49 replies)
  15. Booby grabbing! (22 replies)
  16. I am right arent I? LOL (11 replies)
  17. The Clingy Baby Support Thread (33 replies)
  18. End of my tether with 4yo (21 replies)
  19. How to stop yelling? (33 replies)
  20. the 'terrible toddler years' (15 replies)
  21. Kids and Computers/Gadgets (32 replies)
  22. Guidence for a head strong 8yo (18 replies)
  23. Spitting 2 year old (2 replies)
  24. Headbanging 2yr old (and other stuff) (5 replies)
  25. I don't want/like it! (20 replies)
  26. 5 y.old constantly 'bossing'. Advice please. (21 replies)
  27. Is crawling really crucial ? (28 replies)
  28. 3yr old and hitting etc (10 replies)
  29. Help...stuck in a problem (somewhat) of my own making re. toileting 3.5yo (28 replies)
  30. ARTICLE - "How to land your kid in therapy" (0 replies)
  31. Book (etc.) resources for step parenting? (1 replies)
  32. 101 Things To Do Instead of Yelling or Spanking (7 replies)
  33. 4yo disrespecting "stuff" (18 replies)
  34. HELP ... 39.5 high temp. (22 replies)
  35. 3 Yr old - Am I alone? (27 replies)
  36. Competing/Racing, with EVERYTHING!!!! (8 replies)
  37. follow baby cue v's routine? (22 replies)
  38. Swimming Lessons for the AP'ers ? (26 replies)
  39. Talking and toileting -at my wits end. (35 replies)
  40. "I only wear dresses!" (34 replies)
  41. I need help (30 replies)
  42. Constatly whingeing 5yo (12 replies)
  43. Bolting toddlers (29 replies)
  44. Nine Year Olds!!! (10 replies)
  45. Is my DS normal? (53 replies)
  46. manners, and my mother (18 replies)
  47. Nixing the Norty (7 replies)
  48. the second carnival of gentle discipline is on! (2 replies)
  49. Gentle discipline for nearly 2 year old (8 replies)
  50. Why is he weeing on the floor?? (12 replies)
  51. Why does she act this way around me only? (14 replies)
  52. Is there such a thing as 'over attachment'?? (7 replies)
  53. Hitting (21 replies)
  54. Possessiveness and ownership (24 replies)
  55. What should I do now... (5 replies)
  56. 4 y/o's immediate response is to cry (17 replies)
  57. 16mo who wont stay asleep (6 replies)
  58. When a 5 year old screams what does she need? (2 replies)
  59. 4 year old purposefully wrecking/breaking stuff (14 replies)
  60. Pissing contest (5 replies)
  61. Supporting a toddler through the "No" and removing the item moment (9 replies)
  62. nearly 3 yr old hates bath time (16 replies)
  63. 19 months slaps and troughs stuff (7 replies)
  64. My 2 year old won't do what I say! (30 replies)
  65. DS saying sorry all the time (2 replies)
  66. 4yo and lying - what to do? (19 replies)
  67. I'm going to kill her if she does it one more time. (13 replies)
  68. my son was really concerned (6 replies)
  69. weeing....what is up? (18 replies)
  70. Toddler afraid to poo (or afraid of poo??) (8 replies)
  71. 4yo cranky with baby interrupting play (9 replies)
  72. Help with my 9 year old... he didn't go straight to after school care (5 replies)
  73. Bloody three year old (35 replies)
  74. Biting help (13 replies)
  75. I'm so f#cking over picking things up off the floor (43 replies)