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  1. Nappy changing and newborn (11 replies)
  2. Ectopic preganancy (26 replies)
  3. Refluxy baby questions (14 replies)
  4. I want to put him down (22 replies)
  5. when should i receive her birth certifcate? (75 replies)
  6. Homeopathics and natural treatments P/B (9 replies)
  7. Trouble regulating temperature following PPH? (34 replies)
  8. sick 5wo baby - when to seek medical help? (26 replies)
  9. Bright red belly button? (5 replies)
  10. coming out of hibernation (4 replies)
  11. Period 8 weeks pp? (8 replies)
  12. Article from Medscape about NICU babies & painful proceedures (4 replies)
  13. babymoon question (8 replies)
  14. Length of time for placenta birth (38 replies)
  15. descending testicles? (5 replies)
  16. Still bleeding dark red 10 days post partum... (10 replies)
  17. How long was your baby moon? (14 replies)
  18. lochia has finished... the end of a chapter? (4 replies)
  19. losing clots 1.5 weeks after birth? (15 replies)
  20. Placentophagy (8 replies)
  21. Do we have old polls for the birth outcomes? (2 replies)
  22. Just say 'NO"? (21 replies)
  23. What do you use to wash bub? (42 replies)
  24. "colic" vs overstimulation (13 replies)
  25. Snuffles. Snuffles. All night long. (9 replies)
  26. Vitamin K - to give or not to give? (48 replies)
  27. Stop start PP bleeding or period? (2 replies)
  28. Retained product, clots and swelling (2 replies)
  29. Reality bites! (12 replies)
  30. Caring for/soothing a tear (17 replies)
  31. Newborn with a cold (8 replies)
  32. I have a Uterus Infection! (26 replies)
  33. Foul Odour - Post Partum Blood/Lochia - Infection?? (10 replies)
  34. Birth pics... (5 replies)
  35. Bathing newborn without products (18 replies)
  36. Tearing my hair out over DS (11 replies)
  37. Unsettled newborn (22 replies)
  38. The Post Birth Vagina (24 replies)
  39. How on earth do you deal with two children?? (8 replies)
  40. Pics of a newborn with 'accessories' (88 replies)
  41. When did you register your child's birth? (28 replies)
  42. What else?! (19 replies)
  43. Do you have to wait 1 year to plant placenta? (29 replies)
  44. How long did you bleed post-birth? (31 replies)
  45. Slight gushes post-birth (6 replies)
  46. PP Bleeding & clots- perhaps TMI (14 replies)
  47. Babies born August/September 2007 (366 replies)
  48. what we do to newborns and why it's not helping them (4 replies)
  49. Sticky eyed newborn.... (26 replies)
  50. update on laura and bubs (4 replies)
  51. Establishing breast feeding (21 replies)
  52. Stressful nappy changes - suggestions? (19 replies)
  53. Promoting bonding in a new mum (29 replies)
  54. Breastfeeding - Supply Issues (17 replies)
  55. What should I do? (37 replies)
  56. Lotus birth...why? (60 replies)
  57. A marvellous homebirth! (19 replies)
  58. teething? me know nothing! (16 replies)
  59. non-ab mend for UTI? (31 replies)
  60. what to do... (23 replies)
  61. first week flying solo.. and a question about breastfeeding (6 replies)
  62. Caring for a baby when you've screwed your back (19 replies)
  63. Crying bubba -- mama and papa bear are finding it hard... (56 replies)
  64. Can a breastfed bub be constipated ? (13 replies)
  65. Irritating foods and some other new mama questions (3 replies)
  66. pimples on my baby's face (10 replies)
  67. Night sweats post partum? (13 replies)
  68. New Mums - Post Partum Healing??? (32 replies)
  69. Asking permission to cut baby's cord (14 replies)
  70. Dumb new mum question (26 replies)
  71. Update on Stacey & Bub (22 replies)
  72. How did you survive the immediate postpartum period? (105 replies)
  73. Baby Mooning in Peace - how to managed the excited visitors??? (16 replies)
  74. Creating a JB 'voluntary Doula' network? (17 replies)
  75. Babymooning away (10 replies)