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  1. Grunting and growling - I dont know what to do (10 replies)
  2. Returning lochia (17 replies)
  3. Autumn 2011 babies (201 replies)
  4. Terrible dreams :( (16 replies)
  5. Funny discharge 3mths postpartum (10 replies)
  6. postpartum care, yogic & ayurvedic approach (4 replies)
  7. Concerns with my mum helping me post birth.. (14 replies)
  8. Placenta question (5 replies)
  9. Newbown Crying All the Time - HELP (81 replies)
  10. Is colloidal silver safe enough for babies? (28 replies)
  11. Anyone had oral thrush in baby self resolve? (43 replies)
  12. Has anyone torn their labia? (21 replies)
  13. Don't want to eat placenta. (16 replies)
  14. Egg Smelly Burps (13 replies)
  15. Questions for my postpartum doula course (6 replies)
  16. What made you decide to have a lotus birth (34 replies)
  17. Unsalting a lotusbirth placenta? (7 replies)
  18. Chiropractor: "BF babies should poo every day" ...??? (20 replies)
  19. born in the caul - more painful/intense? (37 replies)
  20. Closure of my pregnancy - planting of B's placenta (7 replies)
  21. Sadness post birthing (26 replies)
  22. Summer 2010/2011 Boynami thread (432 replies)
  23. Afterpains (24 replies)
  24. i gave him a dummy (37 replies)
  25. Lotus Birth Study (19 replies)
  26. H's Placenta (20 replies)
  27. Risolubles (29 replies)
  28. New born bowl movement PAIN :( (8 replies)
  29. When do you change the nappy? (27 replies)
  30. Newborn checks/tests after freebirth? (21 replies)
  31. What to do for a placenta substitute :( (12 replies)
  32. Spring babies 2010 (44 replies)
  33. Preserving the cord (8 replies)
  34. Cramping 3wks PP? (27 replies)
  35. Can we talk postpartum hormones? (7 replies)
  36. A weighty issue or not? (13 replies)
  37. How did your body pull up - post birth? (28 replies)
  38. Babies that get GBS? Need some info please. (4 replies)
  39. NICU Patient Care Plan and Feedback (48 replies)
  40. positioning for feeding when laying down -please help!! :( (13 replies)
  41. Bub's eye turns inwards (16 replies)
  42. I did it! (25 replies)
  43. Winter Babies 2010 (273 replies)
  44. 3 month old - solid poos? (1 replies)
  45. Tearing (6 replies)
  46. Incubation time for the common cold? (1 replies)
  47. My 12 week old has teeth. (24 replies)
  48. babymoon ideas (6 replies)
  49. Bleeding after having sex first time after birth (7 replies)
  50. Belly binding - after a section? (1 replies)
  51. reactions to placenta pills? (9 replies)
  52. natural toy for side of cot? something steiner-ish (7 replies)
  53. What does motherhood mean to you? (3 replies)
  54. Breastfeeding singlets for bigger boobs? (29 replies)
  55. 2 week old with runny, stuffy nose. (12 replies)
  56. Heel prick test (21 replies)
  57. After the birth, what a family needs.... (12 replies)
  58. Smelly umbillical cord.... (16 replies)
  59. Constipation after birth (14 replies)
  60. Autumn babies 2010! (142 replies)
  61. Reopened Wound? (8 replies)
  62. PP Cramping (12 replies)
  63. Dancing Star turns one tomorrow (19 replies)
  64. Very fragile and needing to share some thoughts (42 replies)
  65. Outcomes of planned hospital / BC births in 2010 - 2nd half of poll for VBAC (10 replies)
  66. Outcomes of planned freebirths in 2010 - 2nd half of poll for VBAC (19 replies)
  67. Outcomes of planned midwife-attended homebirths in 2010 - 2nd half of poll for VBAC (47 replies)
  68. the "Autumn Babes 2010" thread has been moved (0 replies)
  69. Is Pregnancy Brain Real? (1 replies)
  70. Can you overfeed a breastfed baby? (36 replies)
  71. Fathers soothing baby (24 replies)
  72. Visitors in the postpartum period (8 replies)
  73. Thrush in a newborn and a mama... (5 replies)
  74. feeling a little raw (7 replies)
  75. Tell me about your motherway! (3 replies)