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  1. Stitches or glue? (10 replies)
  2. Help I'm sick and am due to go to a birth (2 replies)
  3. Gingivitis/Receding gums (3 replies)
  4. URGENT in hosp again (13 replies)
  5. Cut lip (13 replies)
  6. Losing fingernails (5 replies)
  7. Immune system issues - candida and infections (23 replies)
  8. Eye snot in bubba (23 replies)
  9. Vulval itching remedies: acidic or basic? (10 replies)
  10. Tummy ache at night (5 replies)
  11. What do you keep in your home remedies/first aid kit? (7 replies)
  12. Thrush, oral, facial, bum - help please (9 replies)
  13. I think I have to take abx - pls help? (14 replies)
  14. Chubb rash on young baby (10 replies)
  15. Possible urinary tract infection - what is this? (11 replies)
  16. UTI - when should I see someone? (9 replies)
  17. What products/brands of supplements, herbs, essential oils etc do you use? (0 replies)
  18. Baby ate cat litter. wwyd? yuk. (9 replies)
  19. Eye twitch (15 replies)
  20. Warts on kids? (10 replies)
  21. Overnight nausea (13 replies)
  22. My DS is sick (7 replies)
  23. adenoids ? snorting in 5 yr old. options other than surgical removal? (11 replies)
  24. "bubble" in child's ear (11 replies)
  25. 7 week old with flu. Help! (11 replies)
  26. Need help to dry milk supply (14 replies)
  27. Swollen eyelid in young child (11 replies)
  28. child broken nose treatment (8 replies)
  29. Constipated baby (6 replies)
  30. cold sores on baby (9 replies)
  31. re occuring monthly thrush cycles (18 replies)
  32. Bonjela (8 replies)
  33. Misleading Dangerous Homeopathic Medicine - Lets burn them and give our kiddies wonderful drugs (6 replies)
  34. A lifetime of UTIs (13 replies)
  35. Helibactor bacteria (6 replies)
  36. Treatment for strep throat? (13 replies)
  37. URGENT UTI remedies needed (11 replies)
  38. Nose piercing (14 replies)
  39. Growing Pains in 5 year old (16 replies)
  40. How does migraine present in children? (8 replies)
  41. labial adhesions: my baby's vagina is sealed over. (6 replies)
  42. Natural ways to sterilize toys clothes + cloth nappies to prevent re-infection of viral stomach bug (9 replies)
  43. Mysterious sore foot (0 replies)
  44. Itchy feet (5 replies)
  45. Hayfever remedies while pregnant? (10 replies)
  46. 4 week old with a cold - what to do/take? (6 replies)
  47. Headache remedies? (10 replies)
  48. sick child, various symptoms, what could it be? (9 replies)
  49. Safe flu kickers while breastfeeding (9 replies)
  50. Pregnant and craving lots of salt (36 replies)
  51. Gummy eyed child, no breastmilk...halp? (11 replies)
  52. Shampoo and eczema/psoriasis etc. (38 replies)
  53. Clearing up a chesty cough (4 replies)
  54. Ear infection with swollen glands and fever - ABX? (21 replies)
  55. Reaction to Baltic amber?? (11 replies)
  56. oesophageal burn/ulcer (15 replies)
  57. Green poo and fever in 5 month old - need to cancel plans? (9 replies)
  58. Philosophical: Difference Between Raspberry Leaf and Evening Primrose? (14 replies)
  59. DS5 bruised and swollen under eye after middle ear infection? (11 replies)
  60. Can I Take Tinctures With Juice? (2 replies)
  61. Mineral Supplementation and dodginess (6 replies)
  62. Winter Eczema (7 replies)
  63. *Trigger warning*- Depression in partner-lost brother to suicide (4 replies)
  64. Natural way to get rid of thrush. (8 replies)
  65. Residual tick (5 replies)
  66. Adenoidectomy - any info? (11 replies)
  67. Blepharitis (3 replies)
  68. 'Pimples' on 17 mo DD's vulva (14 replies)
  69. bee stings HELP (22 replies)
  70. The Importance of Fever (48 replies)
  71. Itchy raised speckly rash all over body? (14 replies)
  72. Echinacea while breastfeeding? (7 replies)
  73. Treatments for a broken finger (23 replies)
  74. Toddler wont stop coughing! (4 replies)
  75. Dry boob blocked duct? (10 replies)