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  1. 5W (0 replies)
  2. Coldsore from hell (15 replies)
  3. rescue remedy (11 replies)
  4. Immediate relief for coughing?? (5 replies)
  5. Persistant headaches (20 replies)
  6. so run down and over it (20 replies)
  7. help please (10 replies)
  8. Grown Out of Food Allergy? (5 replies)
  9. Recurrent Vomiting/Diarrhea (0 replies)
  10. Our eczema blitz worked!!! (14 replies)
  11. A2 milk and eczema (17 replies)
  12. Chronic ear infections (0 replies)
  13. Cold in 9mo (4 replies)
  14. 10 spots is it measles/pox or bites? (7 replies)
  15. unwell DS- quick advice (11 replies)
  16. Help- Wheezy breathing, croup symptoms (15 replies)
  17. A wee rash.... (2 replies)
  18. Sciatic pain (24 replies)
  19. Post viral swelling? (6 replies)
  20. Out of date floradix (7 replies)
  21. painful wisdom tooth (6 replies)
  22. Homeopathic kit for home (1 replies)
  23. Homeopath for colds? (11 replies)
  24. Cough and a little wheezy (3 replies)
  25. Meet your new moderator - Selene (0 replies)
  26. Gall bladder remedies please? (42 replies)
  27. Safe barrier cream for baby's face? (13 replies)
  28. How to restore digestive health (6 replies)
  29. Snoring in a nearly 4 yr old (8 replies)
  30. Safe immune boosters for pregnancy? (4 replies)
  31. whooping cough (10 replies)
  32. Anyone with experience on vesicoureteral reflux (VUR)? (3 replies)
  33. Stomach ache (31 replies)
  34. Hand foot and mouth disease (26 replies)
  35. XRay at 4 (1 replies)
  36. tooth decay was it my fault? (26 replies)
  37. toddler penis infection! it's scary looking. (2 replies)
  38. GF/YF/DF childrens vitamins (5 replies)
  39. Safe supplement? (6 replies)
  40. Poly-Joule????? (17 replies)
  41. Diarrhea (3 replies)
  42. HELP - Potential Broken Nose in 2yr old! (7 replies)
  43. why does my child get such high temperatures? (12 replies)
  44. Help with finding the cause... (1 replies)
  45. Panadol unsafe for high temperatures (46 replies)
  46. Nasal Impetigo or Cold Sore... (5 replies)
  47. Nappy rash - raw patch on foreskin (7 replies)
  48. Toddler diarrhoea (15 replies)
  49. ah, bloated help please (10 replies)
  50. Burst eardrum Q?? (8 replies)
  51. Urinary tract infection? (11 replies)
  52. ear infection I think... HELP (16 replies)
  53. 2 year old with a swollen penis (3 replies)
  54. Herbal remedies during pregnancy (3 replies)
  55. Help! Toddler UTI??? (20 replies)
  56. Food Poisoning recovery recommendations (2 replies)
  57. Remedies for Viral rash (1 replies)
  58. Homeopathic & probiotic help for my 20 month old.. (5 replies)
  59. Sinusitis & Q about liquid meals. (0 replies)
  60. Is there anything I can do or does my cat need the vet? (16 replies)
  61. Which Homeopathics for grief? (16 replies)
  62. exposed to whooping cough-what now? (9 replies)
  63. cream for dry skin? (8 replies)
  64. vomiting in 10 week old. how much is too much? (47 replies)
  65. Remedies for my friend? (4 replies)
  66. Vitamin C (7 replies)
  67. Xylitol - not as good as we thought? (24 replies)
  68. How long do you let a fever sit? (15 replies)
  69. Bathroom cupboard makeover (11 replies)
  70. Vomiting.. How long is too long without fluids.. (13 replies)
  71. 13mo with bad vomiting (7 replies)
  72. tell me i shouldn't be too worried (10 replies)
  73. Toddler Diarrhea (4 replies)
  74. Fish Oils why? (14 replies)
  75. Sore eye (10 replies)