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  1. IWD Brisbane Meanjin this weekend (1 replies)
  2. 3 year old explaining consent (0 replies)
  3. Medical Aid for Palestinians - MAP (0 replies)
  4. Fat Activism online conference August 22nd-24th (0 replies)
  5. Please help - 200 Nigerian school girls kidnapped (7 replies)
  6. Reproductive Justice Warriors speak out about Childbirth: Control of our Bodies and Lives! (6 replies)
  7. Sydney snap protest today 5:30 pro choice (4 replies)
  8. NSW enquiry into anyone not a doctor who discusses health (34 replies)
  9. Shouted at by Leisurelink Geelong pool staff over breastfeeding - nurse in 16th Nov (42 replies)
  10. 2013 election - the "christian" perspective (10 replies)
  11. New Zealand deporting fat people (6 replies)
  12. Breast is best? (2 replies)
  13. stop promoting music artists that promote violence against women (2 replies)
  14. Gay rights - how does Australia compare? (3 replies)
  15. victim blaming and woman hate in online parenting forum (11 replies)
  16. I spoke out about sexism, then came the rape jokes (6 replies)
  17. Being Mean to Fat People Is Pointless: A Good Old-Fashioned Plea for Civility (0 replies)
  18. re-shoot of time mag's cover: Jamie Grumet - Mom enough to speak out for AP (2 replies)
  19. Petition to legalise raw milk in Australia (37 replies)
  20. Article - Fat is a prejudice issue (4 replies)
  21. Fat acceptance - a civil rights movement (2 replies)
  22. First Home Project (4 replies)
  23. Banning the physical punishment of children in Australia - links and resources (29 replies)
  24. Stand for freedom (3 replies)
  25. Tell me who said this! (1 replies)
  26. Govt survey on marriage equality - pls fill out (12 replies)
  27. Teju Cole on Kony and the White Savior Industrial Complex (6 replies)
  28. Occupy Sydney being Dismantled (1 replies)
  29. Activism - Where, what, how? (9 replies)
  30. Monkey experiment illustrates corporate policy. (5 replies)
  31. GetUp forum - vaccination related campaign suggestions/discussions (16 replies)
  32. The Muffia, campaigning against pronification/designer vaginas! (7 replies)
  33. Plse: Help me explain BIRTHRAPE (44 replies)
  34. Do you want the government to control your centrelink $? Rally against income management tomorrow (9 replies)
  35. **posted with admin permission** Can you go on TV to discuss your views on smacking? (10 replies)
  36. 'Making it Handmade' documentary on ABC iView (7 replies)
  37. Repenting of racism (3 replies)
  38. Smart Meters. Anyone Else Boycotting Them (Particularly In Vic)? (56 replies)
  39. A digital story about homophobia (7 replies)
  40. Within every woman - help get this documentary made, hear these women (4 replies)
  41. my article on sexual assault (particularly of students) (8 replies)
  42. 15 month old forcibly taken by spanish govt because mother refused to wean (17 replies)
  43. Rally - Stop the Intervention Tuesday 21st of June (18 replies)
  44. Rally about Beauty Pageants for Children - TODAY (0 replies)
  45. S.lutWalk... thoughts? (3 replies)
  46. Kennett hails Baillieu's move away from indigenous acknowledgement (11 replies)
  47. Your most despised examples of white hegemony - the smash racism thread (249 replies)
  48. don't frack with mother nature! filthy disgusting coal seam gas mining in Qld (13 replies)
  49. Co-sleeping child abuse??? Say what!!! (22 replies)
  50. Pornography Harms Children - Sharon Cooper, M.D. at PornHarms.com Briefing (0 replies)
  51. Anti- breastfeeding businesses ~ Name and Shame (16 replies)
  52. Earth hour...what will you be doing? (13 replies)
  53. Nurse In/ Breastfeeding Flash Mob ~ Asquith, NSW ~ 30th March (7 replies)
  54. Can sex films empower women? (30 replies)
  55. the anti-bogan (11 replies)
  56. **Trigger warning** Rape and survival (28 replies)
  57. Save The Bees - AVAAZ appeal (3 replies)
  58. Media Release - SMACKING CHILDREN NOT THE ANSWER (0 replies)
  59. Overturn Qld Abortion Laws Lobby day (1 replies)
  60. Eco issues - 'Time to end war against the earth' (0 replies)
  61. Young voices needed to guide NSW Government policy - applications open til 8 Nov (0 replies)
  62. Ban the Smack! Campaign - Robin Grille article (8 replies)
  63. The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes... (2 replies)
  64. Angry Women Are Watching (Other Angry Women) (10 replies)
  65. Knock knock! Kids need your vote. (12 replies)
  66. Vote for GetUp! to help 'Ban the Smack! and end legalised violence against children in Australia' (2 replies)
  67. Urgent Message from Jackie French (3 replies)
  68. Camp for Climate Action (0 replies)
  69. National Day of Action - Abortion Rights - Oct 9th (4 replies)
  70. Refugee Rights Action Network convergence to Leonora IDC at the weekend (3 replies)
  71. Florida domestic violence lawyer supports the abuser. (2 replies)
  72. You'll never think the same way again... (8 replies)
  73. Refugee Rights Action Network direct fundraising request - posted with admin permission! (3 replies)
  74. Speak out against the treatment of Christine Nixon (3 replies)
  75. Is this comment racist? Please give your opinion (25 replies)