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  1. Palm oil labelling - act now! (8 replies)
  2. Adult Privilege Checklist (17 replies)
  3. Fight the rape trade (0 replies)
  4. the international trade in human placenta products. (4 replies)
  5. Happy International Women's Day (1 replies)
  6. Petition against violence against women in PNG - Amnesty (1 replies)
  7. Avaaz - fight to stop anti-homosexuality bill in Uganda (0 replies)
  8. protest against a possible uranium mine (0 replies)
  9. WA - HALO leadership NFP (0 replies)
  10. Kate M-H in Nepal (1 replies)
  11. T-shirts glorifying "rape culture" **trigger warning*** petition link #52 (67 replies)
  12. social enterprise/entrepreneuse/eurs (1 replies)
  13. Finrrage (0 replies)
  14. AP or 'ok' consumerism? (57 replies)
  15. Deep Ecology, Ecofeminism, Social Ecology etc - Some Links (9 replies)
  16. Japanese Whalers sinks protest boat Ady Gil (3 replies)
  17. Raw milk/cheese petition (3 replies)
  18. Irish atheists on the march! (1 replies)
  19. the damage from palm oil (3 replies)
  20. My Year of Hopefulness - Full-time Social Activist (0 replies)
  21. Demand a science-based treaty at Copenhagen (15 replies)
  22. Muhammad Yunus on Elders with Andrew Denton (3 replies)
  23. Fair Trade Q - All it's made out to be? (53 replies)
  24. Raising Community & Social Awareness ~ What Did You Do Today? (7 replies)
  25. Same sex marriage rally Brisbane (11 replies)
  26. Walk Against Warming Sat Dec 12 (0 replies)
  27. 20 years since the Berlin Wall came down (10 replies)
  28. SEQ Wild Brumbies Threatened .. please read (48 replies)
  29. Climate change events Aust-wide this weekend (0 replies)
  30. Nestle Free Zone (18 replies)
  31. Activism: why do you OR why don't you?? (1 replies)
  32. Fucking appalled at our history (11 replies)
  33. GE canola and our bees (1 replies)
  34. The NT Intervention - your help needed to support the community (0 replies)
  35. Vulture Funds (6 replies)
  36. JB Collection To Assist With Repairs To Vandalized SIEVX Memorial Poles (23 replies)
  37. A Memorial Of One Of The Ugliest & Saddest Days In Australian History *GRAPHIC* (8 replies)
  38. Urgent Message From Indigenous Homelands Resident (via ANTaR) (6 replies)
  39. letter to my dd's school (28 replies)
  40. WWII Sex Slaves - create a butterfly (9 replies)
  41. some GLBTQ activism quotes (14 replies)
  42. 'Joke' (10 replies)
  43. JB flyers (4 replies)
  44. The girl who silenced the world for Five minutes (10 replies)
  45. about heterosexism, how you can make changes (23 replies)
  46. article: Understanding Institutionalised Heterosexism In Our Schools (2 replies)
  47. Another birth choices meeting - outer NE Melbourne (5 replies)
  48. For the love of Lina.... (3 replies)
  49. make your own birth montage (0 replies)
  50. Who are tou writing to? (mat legislation) (4 replies)
  51. HBA Submission to Human Rights Consultation (1 replies)
  52. Yet another letter to Nicola Roxon (52 replies)
  53. Hear Ye! Sign this petition on Birth Options site (7 replies)
  54. A letter to Roxon from midwife Robyn Thompson (4 replies)
  55. Emails aren't enough, we need to write letters (21 replies)
  56. Best Childrens' book ever! (8 replies)
  57. Rally Byron Bay July 4th (7 replies)
  58. Great Web Site! (0 replies)
  59. Unnecessary Mutilation Of Babies: The History Of Circumcision (16 replies)
  60. I Am Dr Tiller- Powerful Tribute Site (8 replies)
  61. Is homebirth a human rights issue? (9 replies)
  62. Action - Why Feminists Need To Be Concerned About Accessible Parking Restrictions (0 replies)
  63. US - Support the lesbian 7 (6 replies)
  64. One White Lie (31 replies)
  65. Aung San Suu Kyi needs your help (1 replies)
  66. Sydenysiders - see you at the climate change rally! (3 replies)
  67. National Families Week - how about homebirthing families speak out? (5 replies)
  68. Use Of Obstetrician Song At Protest Rally (5 replies)
  69. Fair Trade Fortnight (5 replies)
  70. Blogging Against Disablism Day - 1 May (0 replies)
  71. Deregistration of Homebirth Midwives - have your say! Submissions close 30th April! (10 replies)
  72. Fire Up Women - Lets Pull Together (23 replies)
  73. Attack on vegans! (25 replies)
  74. Alice Walker in Gaza to mark IWD (3 replies)
  75. Human Rights Consultations - are you going? (2 replies)