View Full Version : Breastfeeding is normal!
- 2 years of bf and I am slowly over it
- Biting my nipple in his sleep
- 8 month old refusing breast
- Topping up due to low weight gain
- Bye Bye Tandem Feeding
- "Medela Mom Mavens" spam campaign
- Breastfeeding my nearly 4yo
- Cue feeding.... constantly cueing....
- The biggest threat to BLW: other people!!
- humming?
- Unsure of my supply.....bit worried :(
- breastfeeding at night and back pain
- lazy attachment
- Can your nipples be "too small"
- Examining the Evidence for Cue feeding of Breastfed Infants
- Breastfeeding on Sesame Street
- Help.....4mth old with teeth.
- I'm Attempting To Relactate & Hoping To Get Donated EBM In The Meantime?
- Keeping hands down while latching on
- Nipple Vasospasm??
- A moment in the life of my breasts
- Toddler Aversion, need encouragement.
- Treating breastfeeding aversion?
- weirdest thing I have seen in a while...
- But where will baby be getting the nutrition they need?
- Poor attachment, 2 years old
- Reason I am grateful for breastfeeding #237
- Wanted To Borrow, Rent : BREAST PUMP
- urgent help! bub clamping tongue to roof of mouth
- anyone heard of bfing hormones causing THIS?
- breastfeeding twins
- Tandem feeding challenges/positives?
- When an older child wants to feed?
- Breastmilk donating and illness
- 3 yr old breastfeeding on TV.
- breastfeeding Heidi and Felix while pregnant
- Breastfeeding past 2 years is as bad as Coke
- My ugly green monster
- Impromptu BF Education Session
- Teething and feeding refusal in 5mo
- Donor milk (previous breastfeeding problems, please help mama-to-be)
- Constant feeding during night and pregnant- going crazy!!
- Baby sweating while breastfeeding even when it's not hot?
- Donating EBM - some advice please :)
- A weekend off from boobing??
- Skin prick tests for irritable breastfeeding bub?
- Breastfeeding All.Night.Long.
- How to breastfeed
- my breastfeeding life in pics
- Lactating boobs while pregnant but not b/feeding
- What would you do?
- Realistic figures for women who are not able to breastfeed?
- I feel like limiting breastfeeds...anyone done this?
- Anxious feeling before letdown
- Wobbly Duct? Preparing my breasts to feed again ..
- If your partner *could* (?can) breastfeed, do you think they should be obliged to?
- Nightweaning a 2.5 yo
- Having to either wean or express for about 2 weeks due to becoming an egg donor
- 365 days of breastfeeding
- Tell me about becoming a breastfeeding counsellor
- Extended breastfeeding and other mothers' guilt
- To my ebm donors
- a few pics of our BLS journey
- Friend is still leaking
- Toddler poos when tandem feeding?
- Breastfeeding frequently
- Illness and breast refusal
- Saying CIAC is offensive
- Arrrrrrghh!
- Would you hire a cross nursing babysitter?
- What ebm/formula is needed after 12 months?
- That article on the damage of just one bottle?
- Fussy baby and supply drop
- Breastfeeding a sick child
- Finally a breastfeeding gizmo I can support!
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