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  1. Breastfeeding frequently (15 replies)
  2. Toddler poos when tandem feeding? (9 replies)
  3. Friend is still leaking (5 replies)
  4. a few pics of our BLS journey (7 replies)
  5. To my ebm donors (2 replies)
  6. Extended breastfeeding and other mothers' guilt (14 replies)
  7. Tell me about becoming a breastfeeding counsellor (17 replies)
  8. 365 days of breastfeeding (10 replies)
  9. Having to either wean or express for about 2 weeks due to becoming an egg donor (42 replies)
  10. Nightweaning a 2.5 yo (7 replies)
  11. If your partner *could* (?can) breastfeed, do you think they should be obliged to? (45 replies)
  12. Wobbly Duct? Preparing my breasts to feed again .. (8 replies)
  13. Anxious feeling before letdown (4 replies)
  14. I feel like limiting breastfeeds...anyone done this? (26 replies)
  15. Realistic figures for women who are not able to breastfeed? (30 replies)
  16. What would you do? (10 replies)
  17. Lactating boobs while pregnant but not b/feeding (4 replies)
  18. my breastfeeding life in pics (31 replies)
  19. How to breastfeed (20 replies)
  20. Breastfeeding All.Night.Long. (12 replies)
  21. Skin prick tests for irritable breastfeeding bub? (9 replies)
  22. A weekend off from boobing?? (18 replies)
  23. Donating EBM - some advice please :) (4 replies)
  24. Baby sweating while breastfeeding even when it's not hot? (14 replies)
  25. Constant feeding during night and pregnant- going crazy!! (7 replies)
  26. Donor milk (previous breastfeeding problems, please help mama-to-be) (16 replies)
  27. Teething and feeding refusal in 5mo (4 replies)
  28. Impromptu BF Education Session (13 replies)
  29. My ugly green monster (16 replies)
  30. Breastfeeding past 2 years is as bad as Coke (5 replies)
  31. breastfeeding Heidi and Felix while pregnant (16 replies)
  32. 3 yr old breastfeeding on TV. (12 replies)
  33. Breastmilk donating and illness (2 replies)
  34. When an older child wants to feed? (15 replies)
  35. Tandem feeding challenges/positives? (4 replies)
  36. breastfeeding twins (24 replies)
  37. anyone heard of bfing hormones causing THIS? (23 replies)
  38. urgent help! bub clamping tongue to roof of mouth (8 replies)
  39. Wanted To Borrow, Rent : BREAST PUMP (3 replies)
  40. Reason I am grateful for breastfeeding #237 (4 replies)
  41. Poor attachment, 2 years old (5 replies)
  42. But where will baby be getting the nutrition they need? (5 replies)
  43. weirdest thing I have seen in a while... (14 replies)
  44. Treating breastfeeding aversion? (15 replies)
  45. Toddler Aversion, need encouragement. (37 replies)
  46. A moment in the life of my breasts (21 replies)
  47. Nipple Vasospasm?? (25 replies)
  48. Keeping hands down while latching on (2 replies)
  49. I'm Attempting To Relactate & Hoping To Get Donated EBM In The Meantime? (297 replies)
  50. Help.....4mth old with teeth. (9 replies)
  51. Breastfeeding on Sesame Street (6 replies)
  52. Examining the Evidence for Cue feeding of Breastfed Infants (33 replies)
  53. Can your nipples be "too small" (14 replies)
  54. lazy attachment (7 replies)
  55. breastfeeding at night and back pain (12 replies)
  56. Unsure of my supply.....bit worried :( (7 replies)
  57. humming? (36 replies)
  58. The biggest threat to BLW: other people!! (40 replies)
  59. Cue feeding.... constantly cueing.... (27 replies)
  60. Breastfeeding my nearly 4yo (11 replies)
  61. "Medela Mom Mavens" spam campaign (19 replies)
  62. Bye Bye Tandem Feeding (11 replies)
  63. Topping up due to low weight gain (8 replies)
  64. 8 month old refusing breast (8 replies)
  65. Biting my nipple in his sleep (5 replies)
  66. 2 years of bf and I am slowly over it (17 replies)
  67. Breastfeeding support in Christchurch NZ (9 replies)
  68. Teeth & Attachment for older babies (1 replies)
  69. The Long-Term Breastfeeding Project (2 replies)
  70. Marking weaning for 5 year old (19 replies)
  71. OW! In so much pain, what to do? (24 replies)
  72. Frozen EBM- 2 hour car trip- can u freeze again? (5 replies)
  73. Pulling (6 replies)
  74. Can an 8mo go 12hrs without BM? (18 replies)
  75. Choking on first foods. (16 replies)