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  1. some currently free knitting/crochet patterns (4 replies)
  2. hand towels knitted pattern (11 replies)
  3. The calming effects of sewing can help people express and heal themselves (0 replies)
  4. Do we need a Gardening subheading...we have one for cooking?? (8 replies)
  5. How to improve garden soil (17 replies)
  6. Tips/Steps for Making Life Feel Less Overhwelming (37 replies)
  7. I'm saving some money! (4 replies)
  8. Look Inside Some Of The Last Remaining All-Female Communes (2 replies)
  9. What is your old belly cast doing now? (5 replies)
  10. Photos in the digital age (6 replies)
  11. Where do your weekend visitors sleep? (6 replies)
  12. The upside of sharing your home with a bit of happy clutter (2 replies)
  13. Good Websites/Feminist Websites to Visit (1 replies)
  14. Household management/organisation - large family, pregnancy, work outside home (21 replies)
  15. The place of crafts and hobbies in simpler/more sustainable living. (24 replies)
  16. I Accomplished Some of the Things! (52 replies)
  17. Help me build a vision (21 replies)
  18. Have you used the KonMari method? (8 replies)
  19. We spend too much money (27 replies)
  20. Australian Homestead Academy (18 replies)
  21. Affording the Noms (54 replies)
  22. Help me with some budget categories/numbers (43 replies)
  23. Please share your microwave oven lifehacks with me (41 replies)
  24. Nontoxic waterproof mat to cover carpet? (11 replies)
  25. Mess. So much mess. (25 replies)
  26. What do your kids love in their bedrooms? (9 replies)
  27. How do you freeze stuff? (23 replies)
  28. We are downsizing! (4 replies)
  29. Home Style (12 replies)
  30. How to become minimalist with kids (31 replies)
  31. Sewers - how to attach a cloth cut out to a jumper (13 replies)
  32. Australian tiny home (27 replies)
  33. When Your Toddler Hits You - I really liked this article (4 replies)
  34. Bedroom smell (65 replies)
  35. Make your own fire starters (4 replies)
  36. Ikea Kitchens/Appliances? (12 replies)
  37. Knitting pattern recommendations (5 replies)
  38. Buying a home - what do you wish you'd...? (31 replies)
  39. Me spuds are ruinin' (13 replies)
  40. Greener, "cleaner" living and mice, bugs and mites! (14 replies)
  41. What do I do with my freshlt hatched chick?!! (8 replies)
  42. How to make water kefir multiply? (2 replies)
  43. Neighbourly Dilemmas (17 replies)
  44. Self hair cut?? (36 replies)
  45. Hydrogen peroxide - do you use it? (11 replies)
  46. I don't know what to do about the mess :( :( (67 replies)
  47. Steam mops - yes, no? (23 replies)
  48. Norwex vs Enjo (8 replies)
  49. Christmas Bunting - Ideas and Templates Please (1 replies)
  50. Taking kids on individual holidays (13 replies)
  51. Is there such a thing as gentle effective mice control? (14 replies)
  52. Frugal living, grocery related, with dietary needs... (26 replies)
  53. How much money to live for a year? (55 replies)
  54. How do you make a little go a long way? (27 replies)
  55. Crochet blanket help please (31 replies)
  56. Knitters, can you help me with a pattern quest? (11 replies)
  57. Thinking of living O/S for a year (22 replies)
  58. Reducing noise from neighbouring home? Or: the common-wall venting thread! (25 replies)
  59. A big throw out - what to chuck from the keepsake box (16 replies)
  60. Dehydrators - tell me about yours! (1 replies)
  61. Budget - what does this mean? (1 replies)
  62. Discipline for kittens? (11 replies)
  63. Constant, low, humming noise .... (14 replies)
  64. Beginner crochet chat n hook (295 replies)
  65. Mouse in the house! (16 replies)
  66. Crochet vulvas (3 replies)
  67. Your favourite newborn longy pattern (16 replies)
  68. Sewing Machine advice pls (13 replies)
  69. Crochet halp pls! (48 replies)
  70. Scarlet Eve has a new Website (2 replies)
  71. Natural mite treatment? (29 replies)
  72. Help: Pebble (henry's manly vest) (8 replies)
  73. error message robomaid (7 replies)
  74. Cat owners - How much does it cost to have a cat? (33 replies)
  75. Employing a Nanny... AP style (5 replies)