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  1. "Dying for the Cause" Carolyn Hastie (4 replies)
  2. Facing the evidence- Evidence based practise (15 replies)
  3. *a little wish* a little break through ... (3 replies)
  4. *a little wish* Newsletters (0 replies)
  5. any MWs been sued? (38 replies)
  6. Breech Baby-Urgent help needed! (20 replies)
  7. remember that stupid anti-hb blog? (2 replies)
  8. increased funding for rural mw's in NZ- a start, perhaps? (0 replies)
  9. support this US birth group (0 replies)
  10. ABC radio Broken Hill today (3 replies)
  11. need your opinion.... (15 replies)
  12. Maternity Coalition - are you a member? (38 replies)
  13. Middle of Kmart talking about home birth (5 replies)
  14. violence in hospitals (8 replies)
  15. Emergency EMERGENCY c/sec (46 replies)
  16. Epidural dosn't increase risk of opperative d.elivery?????? (13 replies)
  17. Advertising and Support for *a little wish* (1 replies)
  18. maternal mortality 2000-2002 Australia - fixed the link (3 replies)
  19. Baby Web Central (4 replies)
  20. C/S pain art (5 replies)
  21. Townsville and Thuringowa VBAC info!!! (0 replies)
  22. birthlove.com (3 replies)
  23. Calling Melbourne members (2 replies)
  24. Indemnity Insurance for Midwives meeting in Bris 23 November (32 replies)
  25. Vulva puppets (10 replies)
  26. My thoughts (5 replies)
  27. article on violence in birth and PND/PTSD (10 replies)
  28. No funding to pay? (14 replies)
  29. US report "Listening to mothers" #2 (2 replies)
  30. Birth - The Play (10 replies)
  31. Baby movement WTF??? (6 replies)
  32. High Risk Lovemaking (11 replies)
  33. Obs resign in opposition of proposed midwifery-led care (6 replies)
  34. Birth Rites - Border Mail article (11 replies)
  35. Voluntary C-Sections Result in More Baby Deaths (9 replies)
  36. Aboriginal Birthing Business (5 replies)
  37. Port Pirie area SA? update (7 replies)
  38. Male Genital Mutiliation? (25 replies)
  39. Midwifery Practice Review pilot in QLD YAY!!! (4 replies)
  40. Physicians and Birth: WTF? (25 replies)
  41. Our Janet on ABC Radio!! Mourik again being a wally (99 replies)
  42. dangerous nutter here *waves* (24 replies)
  43. Birthing zealots stoke the anti-doctor cause (6 replies)
  44. Albury/wodonga radio tomorrow morning ME (27 replies)
  45. We have forgotten what normal birth is :( (5 replies)
  46. Because I'm a birthing woman and... (25 replies)
  47. thoughts on melbourne birth centres? (4 replies)
  48. US petition on premature cord cutting (6 replies)
  49. Breech Cesearean. (9 replies)
  50. Perth CMP celebrates a decade! (0 replies)
  51. share your VBAC and c-sec stories with CANA (0 replies)
  52. US anti-episiotomy group (0 replies)
  53. "Natural birth vs. caesarian birth" discussion on (9 replies)
  54. Hospital rant (5 replies)
  55. More deaths for caesarean babies: BBC article (6 replies)
  56. The "where" question in Birth (11 replies)
  57. Home Birth Awareness Week and Reclaim the Night (8 replies)
  58. The Statistics of Oppression (1 replies)
  59. morning inductions are better... hurl-worthy article (6 replies)
  60. Canberra wants CP'S who view birth as NORMAL! (8 replies)
  61. hospy artificial lighting can affect babies bio-clocks (0 replies)
  62. article: 1 midwife for each adelaide woman- new initiative (3 replies)
  63. HBAC goddess (7 replies)
  64. I did my part (1 replies)
  65. Medicare Item 16400 - Letter to Parliament (12 replies)
  66. Unintended pregnancy linked to abuse? (0 replies)
  67. Darwin Home Birth Group (3 replies)
  68. Married to the Midwife (4 replies)
  69. Midwifery Practice Review - Consumer Feedback Wanted (0 replies)
  70. Effect of Birth on the Baby in Later Life - Resources (0 replies)
  71. Maternal Peace Politics (3 replies)
  72. QNC Reply (11 replies)
  73. C-sec on 9 y o Girl in Amazon (7 replies)
  74. That Reyne whatsit gives me the irrits... (5 replies)
  75. An Interview with THE Janet Fraser!!!!! (5 replies)