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  1. Jb car sticker Poll- vote for your fave slogan!!!! (16 replies)
  2. Thanks, Hoydens! Quick hit: Barnev’s “Birthtrack” continuous labour monitoring system (8 replies)
  3. JB Car sticker slogans - what would you like? (36 replies)
  4. Why Homebirth? (12 replies)
  5. Submissions Wanted On Birth Trauma (27 replies)
  6. First the came for the freebirthers... (3 replies)
  7. Where is the Desire to Learn? (3 replies)
  8. The Trouble With White Pants (3 replies)
  9. Letter Response to an Email on Midwives and Medicare (9 replies)
  10. Interesting discussion: Greivous bodily harm and elective caesareans. (15 replies)
  11. Book reccomendations (21 replies)
  12. Need birth stories to share with GP friend (8 replies)
  13. Public v private (3 replies)
  14. The blame game (27 replies)
  15. Just Say No (7 replies)
  16. pro-consumer is not anti-midwifery (37 replies)
  17. ♥ heart shape sybolises yoni ♥ (14 replies)
  18. What? Tighter is better???!!! (94 replies)
  19. MJA article: "The first year of a midwifery-led model of care in Far North Queensland (7 replies)
  20. The Unborn Birth (1 replies)
  21. JB mamas starring on youtube!! (47 replies)
  22. Technocratic Vs Traditional birth: A bit of a personal crisis (6 replies)
  23. 26 ways to change birth globally (0 replies)
  24. US conference - Trust Birth - very inspiring! (8 replies)
  25. Report: Select Committee Into Public Obstetric Services (0 replies)
  26. '2008 - the year of Homebirth Awareness!' Check Site Info for tools and info! (129 replies)
  27. The Technocratic Body: [american] Childbirth As Cultural Expression (4 replies)
  28. MC Vic special meeting (1 replies)
  29. What would you say? (58 replies)
  30. child sexual assault and birth - crappy info for survivors (15 replies)
  31. PTSD and birth - review article, 2006 (2 replies)
  32. Birth Ecology Project (0 replies)
  33. MC Creative Campaign (37 replies)
  34. What is a midwife - for midwifery forum (20 replies)
  35. Jenny Blyth's Workshop (15 replies)
  36. ACM's 'Big Bold and Beautiful' Conference and Rally, Canberra, September 26-28 (7 replies)
  37. Empowering Birth Blog (3 replies)
  38. WA Birthplace Support Group? (18 replies)
  39. vagivist "blinky" check it out!! (12 replies)
  40. boundaries in our thinking around birth, how do they get there? (7 replies)
  41. Janet's presentation from Brisbane - Stepping Outside the System to birth. (12 replies)
  42. new study shows mortality risks in hospitals sky high (8 replies)
  43. WA birthing statistics (8 replies)
  44. Greens policies on birth (5 replies)
  45. Aboriginal birthing practices, traditional midwifery (2 replies)
  46. more to food than meets the eye (11 replies)
  47. Yoni Expressions (9 replies)
  48. doulas- undermining the movement towards humanised birth? (14 replies)
  49. consumer birth survey (4 replies)
  50. great Aussie midwifery ad! VOTING DETAILS ADDED!! (14 replies)
  51. Write to YouTube (3 replies)
  52. Lamaze survey of consumers (5 replies)
  53. Ew how violating (4 replies)
  54. Some BEAUTIFUL yoni art! And a great website! (15 replies)
  55. uk hospy bungles cause baby deaths (3 replies)
  56. MC / ACM Dinner - Wed 27 Jun, Brisbane (0 replies)
  57. violence against women - smh front page (9 replies)
  58. Call for EOIs for Australian College of Midwives National conference attendance by co (0 replies)
  59. Call For Nominations: Mothers in Action (0 replies)
  60. Improving maternity choices (6 replies)
  61. "Stateline" WA this week ABC 7.30pm (16 replies)
  62. JB Brochures - Where have we placed them? (16 replies)
  63. Irish mws losing insurance (5 replies)
  64. Just posing an ethical question (17 replies)
  65. Positive Birth Experiences - September Essence (1 replies)
  66. Maternity Care for Lesbian/Same-Sex Attracted Women (0 replies)
  67. support the women in Rosebud who want midwives (3 replies)
  68. Difference Of Opinion (ABC) - let's get a debate going! (2 replies)
  69. Anyone tried Second Life? (29 replies)
  70. Born in Brazil (1 replies)
  71. Improving hospital information packages (7 replies)
  72. Canada - Coalition for breech birth (8 replies)
  73. Beware of CPs who... (208 replies)
  74. I feel an intervention coming on (5 replies)
  75. Yay for Wales!! Yay for hb!! (4 replies)