View Full Version : Had a caesarean? Now plan a birth!
Pages :
- 2 external scars
- VBAC with PCOS?
- VBAC stats, hospy vs home?
- Another vbac question (re failed induction verses spontaneous labobur)
- Help! Literature on Inducing with Pre-Eclampsia!
- Oxytocin used to remove placenta in caesarean??
- Caesarean & Lotus Birth. Did you have one?
- Comparing the quality of life in women after normal de.livery and cesarean section.
- Is there a follow-up appt after a c/s?
- Small town no hb midwife
- How was your wound stitched up?
- Mulling some things around in my head...
- How long should you wait?
- VBAC - question on behalf of a friend
- Possible VBA2C - Not your normal VBA2C..
- Tips for reducing negative effects of Section
- can i be pregnant again please?
- "poor mummy" :cry
- Does anyone know the rate of Caesars...
- Successful hospital VBAC!!!!
- If you had staples...
- "Well because really we all know a c section is better!"
- Caesarean Art *warning, confronting*
- The gentle birth of Leo.. My (drug and intervention free) hospital VBA2C
- VBA3C attemptee
- Is this normal?
- When a friends birth brings up your own 'stuff'
- My cousin is suing for her botched c/s
- Scar still aches
- Yet another "VBAC is safer for babies" study
- Perimortem Caesarean D.elivery **graphic**
- Breech/twins VBAC/HBAC
- yet another "scheduled surgeries hurt babies" study
- I'm lost lol - VBAC
- Placenta attached to scar?
- Am I the only one who tries to validate the surgery?
- Questions to ask knOB at post c/s check-up?
- Don't know where to start
- Waiting two years to conceive after a caesarean?
- Uterine Rupture - your experiences or that of those who have had it happen!
- Caesarean birth in a culture of fear
- How did your "elective" caesarean/s come about?
- Epigenetic modulation at birth: altered DNA-methylation in white blood cells after C
- Planning to meet with a surgeon about 'future elective casarean' conclusion
- Cesearean times - Any statistics
- CS scars & VBAC
- Delayed cord clamping will cause you to bleed to death!
- Melbourne: Any VBAC supportive MWs?
- What's the "success" rate for VBAC homebirths?
- VBA2C's Info, support and such
- National Caesarean Awareness Day 2009
- Happy ending....HBA2C video *trigger warning - graphic CS d.elivery footage
- Alternatives for birthing after c/section in WA
- Had a birth, now planning a caesarean...
- Stories re VBAclassicalC?
- hormones from a vaginal birth V hormones in a caesarean?
- Rhetorical (de)vices and the construction of a 'natural' caesarean.
- Letter to a friend on her leaving the public system to pursue a vbac with a privateob
- Differences in development/behaviour in caesar & vag babies?
- Subsequent babies getting stuck as well?
- Its no wonder....
- Birth cut - caesarean website
- Silent knife
- Wtf?
- Does It? Really? “WHO Admits:There Is No Evidence for Recommending a 10-15% cs limit"
- Starting to address and understand 2nd Em C/S
- oh. powerful dream last night...
- Ummm...UBAC anyone?
- Is this possible?
- Scar during labour
- Help me overcome my fears
- Where do I start?
- Silent Knife
- info for my friend
- Transverse lie VBAC advice for friend
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