View Full Version : Had a caesarean? Now plan a birth!
Pages :
- Hmmm interesting... avoiding c-sec? ask another doc.
- spine involvement in natural birth?
- ob in public sector
- Caesarean drugs
- article by a woman with a HUGE empty cranium
- Out in 60 seconds? How long does it take?
- Getting stuff out there
- Caesarian Voices website
- I wish...
- Information Overload
- The pink kit
- C/sec bubs miss out on oxytocin surge that vaginally born bubs get
- Are IBS and c section linked??
- someone speaking sense about c/sections, in the media
- Is this right??
- Iugr
- The no-carb bandwagon and my midwife appt
- Freebirth after C-section back up plans?
- Retroplacental Haematoma Question
- Is this a real word - VTBAC...?
- Did you obtain your hospital records?
- HBA2C planning one - love to hear from others
- Myths and Truths: "Your uterus is too thin"
- Overcoming fear to have a hbac
- HBAC with only a DOULA?
- Thoughts about chiropractic for positioning?
- YAY me!
- I'm finally planning a birth!
- Journey to a birth
- I'm sure these people mean well...
- Comparing Hospital birth and Home birth - You decide! (hospy vbac vs HBA2C)
- Evening Primrose in late pregnancy - thoughts?!
- Flabbergasted...
- Marsden Wagner Born in the USA
- hospital back up appt
- CS Rate Lowered in Irish Hospital
- Flabbergasted...Part II
- A breath of sterlised air...
- talking to your child about his/her birth
- Not a 'low-risk' birth.
- Monitoring in labour with a previous c-section
- &*%$#$ fight with dh over overbearing Texan's "gift"
- Whats the go with breech when planning vbac.
- New Studies state the obvious
- Asthma, labour, and C/S?
- Ended in CSect
- Maternal death after CS
- legitimate reasons for a cs?
- HVBAC midwife in Brisbane area?
- Lucky birthday: Another stupid reason for a c/s
- DVD - The Birth of Aasha
- classical CS and rupture risk
- Homebirth and FHR monitoring
- Great news!!!
- how did you distract yourself?
- Help getting over unnecessary caesar
- C-sect for breech
- Is this true?
- New research on CS risks
- It's all gone to shit
- *ding* lightbulb moment
- Finally, a woman suing for being coerced into an unnecessary c/sec!!
- Arm
- Time between CS and VBAC
- Vaginal Birth a Safe Option After Multiple C-Sections
- HBAC support?
- Devistated Doula
- Risks of Surgery
- HBA3C slideshow....GET TISSUES NOW!!
- I'm an aunty...
- **Birth Stories Needed**
- Caesarean Birth Plan Please???
- What foiled your VBAC?
- Its my time
- Can I HBA2C next door to a building site??
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