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  1. First fetal movements (13 replies)
  2. PPH, what's going on? overdiagnosis? iatrogenic? (14 replies)
  3. Pelvis Groin pain/discomfort (11 replies)
  4. Knot in cord (13 replies)
  5. Looking for a doula in/near Frankston. (0 replies)
  6. Help me get my mother on board with Homebirth please ! (16 replies)
  7. How do I stop feeling so awful? (8 replies)
  8. Birth Art Gallery with links to artists (8 replies)
  9. Breech c/section - I need resources to share to optimise outcome for a friend (2 replies)
  10. End of pregnancy and parenting alone (14 replies)
  11. When does labour 'start' for you? (30 replies)
  12. Info on Cord Ties (11 replies)
  13. How early can the heart beat be heard with a pinard? (15 replies)
  14. I need a good iron supplement (18 replies)
  15. 4 months pp and things still very sore 'down there' (4 replies)
  16. Cramps.. (12 replies)
  17. Testing/scans in early pregnancy (13 replies)
  18. Homebirth noise and neighbours (54 replies)
  19. Taking hospital antenatal classes in prep for homebirth? good or bad? (52 replies)
  20. Glandular fever out break and 40 weeks pregnant. :-( (11 replies)
  21. Concerts while pregnant (33 replies)
  22. changed mind, freaking out about support. (9 replies)
  23. Is it normal to feel scared? (7 replies)
  24. 'Rest'/ bed rest. How did you deal with it? (13 replies)
  25. Refusing cesarean (36 replies)
  26. Where and how do you start?? (7 replies)
  27. dairy and sugar cravings! (16 replies)
  28. For those that did testing during pregnancy.... (21 replies)
  29. Care Providers During Pregnancy (6 replies)
  30. Freebirthers - What Did You Wish You Had Known Beforehand? (18 replies)
  31. Birth Plan (4 replies)
  32. Hit me up with your book recommendations (7 replies)
  33. Having a dilemma (45 replies)
  34. Food and drinks in labour (14 replies)
  35. horses love me at the moment. (7 replies)
  36. Clothes & Undies (11 replies)
  37. Exciting but Yuck! (6 replies)
  38. Will a Uterine Prolapse affect my birth? (4 replies)
  39. Getting FTB & a free birth? (6 replies)
  40. Hemorrhage handook by Midwifery Today (2 replies)
  41. Im sure this has been asked before (35 replies)
  42. Have a few questions, hoping to get some help to answer them (9 replies)
  43. Come reasure me, baby is well cushioned and all that crappola... (12 replies)
  44. How Big Should A Placenta Bag Be? (3 replies)
  45. Heating Wheat Packs Without A Microwave? (4 replies)
  46. What time of day did you go into labour? (40 replies)
  47. Birth pool liners...are they annoying? (12 replies)
  48. Sydney doula (2 replies)
  49. Wow!!! I have such a different view of birth now!!!! (18 replies)
  50. Is this AMAZING blog a JBer? I'm blown away! (18 replies)
  51. Twins? (6 replies)
  52. Once babys head is birthed... (17 replies)
  53. My vagina is falling out :( (11 replies)
  54. Bleeding at 16 weeks pregnant (12 replies)
  55. Survival Tips for a long "pre"-labor (12 replies)
  56. Urgent advice needed!! HG, Zofran and Breastfeeding (10 replies)
  57. I think i am leaking (17 replies)
  58. So Bloody Angry for my sister (14 replies)
  59. Babymoon, how was it for you? (49 replies)
  60. Probably a REALLY stupid question but here goes... (26 replies)
  61. This sounded over medicalised to me (27 replies)
  62. No real urge to push? (19 replies)
  63. Numb arms & fingers (12 replies)
  64. Our perception of birthing experience compared to others present (11 replies)
  65. not having kids but... (32 replies)
  66. Feeling like nothing is going my way... (woe is me) (14 replies)
  67. i freakin did it!!! (45 replies)
  68. Baby not yet in pelvis _ advice please (47 replies)
  69. Miscarriage and reabsorbing the tissue.... (7 replies)
  70. S the hospital is trying to make me come back in... (14 replies)
  71. Waters breaking (12 replies)
  72. Placenta dreams (7 replies)
  73. Resting pulse 140bpm (7 replies)
  74. Coping with a long pre-labour (12 replies)
  75. I love my DH! (8 replies)