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  1. Our pic in the news again (14 replies)
  2. Vitamin K's role in birth (2 replies)
  3. our babe is here. (26 replies)
  4. Feel odd as a homebirther as not well-off (26 replies)
  5. Faint horizontal line on pregnancy test (13 replies)
  6. Childbirth Rights on the Fringe incl FB event and website (79 replies)
  7. Clit stimulation in labour (10 replies)
  8. Nearly fainted today (97 replies)
  9. Helping baby engage (17 replies)
  10. help for a friend (15 replies)
  11. Birth videos for preparing siblings (10 replies)
  12. Cord tie (35 replies)
  13. Obstetric mythbusting help. (3 replies)
  14. Positioning - how important, or not at all? (20 replies)
  15. Planned caesarian for posterior babes - how common? (10 replies)
  16. many thanks... (5 replies)
  17. Pregnancy and birth post-PE (8 replies)
  18. The Perfect Birth? (22 replies)
  19. I took a break. Now I'm back, I'm pregnant and I'm finally planning my homebirth! (7 replies)
  20. Where to buy herbs online? (8 replies)
  21. Resources for partners? (4 replies)
  22. Judgement against Melissa Maimann (47 replies)
  23. Story research: issues that warrant a c-sec *possible triggers* (21 replies)
  24. Extremely frequent BH (12 replies)
  25. Where did you do your Doula training? (11 replies)
  26. Pregnancy insomnia and vivid nighmares! (7 replies)
  27. Pregnancy Headaches (4 replies)
  28. What is it with ownership of pregancy being handed over to the medical establishment? (38 replies)
  29. Lotus birth: the wackiest childbirth practice ever (27 replies)
  30. Something special for the placenta (8 replies)
  31. awesome things only JBers will appreciate :) (15 replies)
  32. brain tumors and pregnancy/birth (8 replies)
  33. SRC shorts (12 replies)
  34. HELP! pre eclampsia and placenta pills? (0 replies)
  35. Placentophagy / placenta encapulation ? (16 replies)
  36. Having a cold or flu in late pregnancy (2 replies)
  37. Just after resources - blood clots, pregnancy and birth (28 replies)
  38. Nice pics of cord (10 replies)
  39. Supporting women, but conditional on where. (62 replies)
  40. Craving crunching (9 replies)
  41. Systemic steroids during labour (3 replies)
  42. Placenta Encapsulation (1 replies)
  43. Breast comforting while pregnant, only colostrum (19 replies)
  44. When homebirth is so accepted it is used to sell things!? (3 replies)
  45. Haemorrhage (17 replies)
  46. This pregnancy feels like it is going on forever!! (15 replies)
  47. My placenta (10 replies)
  48. Diabetic, epileptic wanting a home birth (25 replies)
  49. Velamentous Cord Insertion (2 replies)
  50. Birth ALONE??? (11 replies)
  51. My interesting placenta (15 replies)
  52. Anyone subscribe to Midwifery Today? (3 replies)
  53. Cauls (6 replies)
  54. Birth Keeper Intensives with Moonsong/Jane Hardwick-Collings (1 replies)
  55. I might just need your thoughts (122 replies)
  56. Freaking sick of all the judgement! (20 replies)
  57. Motion sickness bands- Do they work? (10 replies)
  58. High iron, low ferritin... (8 replies)
  59. Pregnancy vitamins. (8 replies)
  60. Homebirth friendly GPs (16 replies)
  61. The birth doula course through CBI (8 replies)
  62. Fourth Time Around (9 replies)
  63. Irrational fears - trigger warning baby loss (14 replies)
  64. Prolapse during pregnancy (& QLD MW recommendations?) (9 replies)
  65. Musing on "As long as baby is healthy..." (49 replies)
  66. breech baby and pain in top of fundus/womb (11 replies)
  67. Tips for preparaing an almost 3 year old for homebirth? (20 replies)
  68. Loss of identity, and a need for proactive steps to managing depression (4 replies)
  69. practicalities of where I wan t the pool this time (9 replies)
  70. Severe right shoulder blade pain (32 replies)
  71. Mucus in early pregnancy? (5 replies)
  72. I choose (14 replies)
  73. Lotus birth.. how did you arrange their cord? (12 replies)
  74. Preparing your birthspace and support person/people (7 replies)
  75. vitex in pregnancy (9 replies)