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  1. four days with no poo (9 replies)
  2. Weighing baby at, or shortly after, birth? (40 replies)
  3. homebirth and freebirth vids/dvds... where to find them? (7 replies)
  4. No chickenpox immunity :( (16 replies)
  5. Pregnancy & Birth Mag looking for freebirthers... (6 replies)
  6. How common is planned freebirth in NZ? (5 replies)
  7. Dilation/Effacement quick question (26 replies)
  8. Partner preparation for birth (18 replies)
  9. When to do a birth plan... (10 replies)
  10. The Metallic Taste. (7 replies)
  11. Birthing Beads (8 replies)
  12. Birth Centre giving Fortalesa Declaration out (13 replies)
  13. Last minute request for help with Rhogam without a hospy visit! (44 replies)
  14. Weird obsessions during pregnancy (17 replies)
  15. morning sickness remedies, ideas, something, anything!?! (17 replies)
  16. Henna hair colour & Pregnancy (1 replies)
  17. Embolism in cord (2 replies)
  18. True knot in umbilical cord... (50 replies)
  19. Informed hospital consent (7 replies)
  20. my FIL and birthing - cultural perspectives (16 replies)
  21. Are you a ten month mama? (72 replies)
  22. When things go wrong in labour.... (2 replies)
  23. Study shows home birth riskier? Nope! (7 replies)
  24. Your favourite moment from birthing at home? (130 replies)
  25. "connecting'' with your in-utero babe... pollywaffle, or powerful stuff? (23 replies)
  26. freebirthers... checking for cord around neck question (13 replies)
  27. waterbirth in spa ok? and water temp questions (18 replies)
  28. a birth blessing (2 replies)
  29. Moving cervices? (18 replies)
  30. Oligohydramnios? (5 replies)
  31. First JB bub in 08? (32 replies)
  32. How is a stretch and sweep not an induction? (24 replies)
  33. I sure hope I like this mw (28 replies)
  34. Advice for friend please (5 replies)
  35. Booking into a hospital as back up? (30 replies)
  36. News..... (9 replies)
  37. When did you know you would freebirth? (43 replies)
  38. Questions - who got or wants to get records? Possible JOY article! (23 replies)
  39. I just started bleeding :( (83 replies)
  40. Miscarriage - a question or two.. (5 replies)
  41. continuity of care with birth centre (16 replies)
  42. some placenta folklore (7 replies)
  43. When in pregnancy do you nest? (15 replies)
  44. Natal Lunar Phase and pregnancy (4 replies)
  45. I love my husband! (5 replies)
  46. Swelling and stuff... (10 replies)
  47. Heartburn Help (7 replies)
  48. Digital/Manual head rotation? Engagement? (14 replies)
  49. Why must labour/birth have to be painful? (37 replies)
  50. Placenta Size (12 replies)
  51. he is coming around...!!! (5 replies)
  52. A happy smiley birth photo thread! (487 replies)
  53. Chances of HB after PPH and MROP???? (13 replies)
  54. frequent headaches in pregnancy (33 replies)
  55. Colds and labour (11 replies)
  56. 3mum's baby has arrived!!! (29 replies)
  57. should freebirthers have a scan? (20 replies)
  58. What is considered a high risk pregnancy? Score yourself here! (91 replies)
  59. Anti M (20 replies)
  60. Erm, a confusing epic unlurking, purging thing (14 replies)
  61. Long winded and all about me (16 replies)
  62. constipation in first trimester!! (5 replies)
  63. All the student midwives (or soon to be) tell us! (3 replies)
  64. Gas, TENS and self-hypnosis? (12 replies)
  65. ???pain relief and hospital birth??? (38 replies)
  66. doppler risks (8 replies)
  67. This really really bugs me... (35 replies)
  68. sticky baby wishes for MotheringAddict (74 replies)
  69. to u/s or not to u/s (49 replies)
  70. Meralgia Paresthetica - have you suffered from it? (8 replies)
  71. Seriously scared about pain during labour... (27 replies)
  72. New c/s policy at SJOGS in Perth (8 replies)
  73. Average time to birth placenta in physiological 3rd stage? (10 replies)
  74. Stats on bleeding in 3rd stage??? Anyone? (11 replies)
  75. Fairy Pregnancy and Birth Art (3 replies)