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  1. Should cost even be a consideration (56 replies)
  2. Help - not enough body fat on baby in utero (21 replies)
  3. Freebirth: would you CHOOSE it? (163 replies)
  4. Excessive Prolactin causing issues falling PG? (6 replies)
  5. Most Education Homebirthing reading material (2 replies)
  6. Please tell me positive stories! (12 replies)
  7. i'm a freak!! haha (11 replies)
  8. Yeeeehaaaa!! No more MS! (8 replies)
  9. fibroids during pregnancy (0 replies)
  10. Freebirthing on 60 Minutes - Seeking Australians to Interview (38 replies)
  11. Male Midwives (15 replies)
  12. facts on epidurals leading to higher c-secs rates (8 replies)
  13. Not bad doctors....? (13 replies)
  14. Food restrictions (and a mini-rant) (14 replies)
  15. Orgasmic Birth - DVD/Movie (0 replies)
  16. Freebirth gone to far? (73 replies)
  17. Finishing up at work? (41 replies)
  18. Just wanted to share this drawing! (19 replies)
  19. images of newborns wanted for promotion of homebirth doco (3 replies)
  20. birth pool reviews here! (108 replies)
  21. Why snoezelen when you can birth at home! (3 replies)
  22. HELP ! Bad wind pain (10 replies)
  23. haemorrhoids (8 replies)
  24. 42 + weekers (26 replies)
  25. Children at birth: Has anyone had a bad experience? (16 replies)
  26. How did you use your birth pool? (4 replies)
  27. Did you have oxygen tanks at your homebirth? (34 replies)
  28. Feeling frustrated and annoyed (13 replies)
  29. Homebirth dads DVD (0 replies)
  30. U/sound, doppler dangers (9 replies)
  31. Anyone know much about twin births? (27 replies)
  32. Childrens books on homebirth (9 replies)
  33. My homebirth journal - cause I cant think of a cool name for it (9 replies)
  34. I'm just so mad right now!! (27 replies)
  35. Hynobirthing (31 replies)
  36. Doula/midwife in Gladstone area (5 replies)
  37. Real reasons for induction? (23 replies)
  38. Joyous Babies - due Spring 2008 (2675 replies)
  39. Put my mind at ease, please! (12 replies)
  40. 4th degree tears & subsequent births (13 replies)
  41. just curious about the birthing stool (15 replies)
  42. a couple of lovely pregnancy/birth poems by Jeannine Parvati Baker (1 replies)
  43. Good one Einstein! (13 replies)
  44. birth and its *mess*?? (21 replies)
  45. for the JB pregnancy album (18 replies)
  46. Ina May and her open kissing idea (26 replies)
  47. Good sites for MW/ medical supplies in Oz?? (20 replies)
  48. 8wk Ultrasound question... (16 replies)
  49. I posted this.. (40 replies)
  50. has anyone else here had PUPP? (27 replies)
  51. Help me find stats on morbility please (9 replies)
  52. Delayed cord cutting question (9 replies)
  53. hot water systems & birthpools (7 replies)
  54. My current birthing plan... (45 replies)
  55. The Placentophagia Chat Thread (136 replies)
  56. Very, very sad news about Meg's (Heket's) baby (372 replies)
  57. Early pregnancy aches and pains . . . should I be concerned about these? (20 replies)
  58. the analogy thread! (21 replies)
  59. la bassine birth pool on ebay- perth pickup and discussion of music tastes. (88 replies)
  60. what one gift would you give a first time mama? (33 replies)
  61. Fundal Height Question (9 replies)
  62. update on us. (17 replies)
  63. The best books for freebirthing (5 replies)
  64. Birthing From Within - Discussion Thread (26 replies)
  65. pelvic floor, OFP, how seriously do you take it? (27 replies)
  66. Natural Remedies For Strep B (12 replies)
  67. 2 year old at hb (9 replies)
  68. Exercise for the uterus!!! (10 replies)
  69. Hip & Back pain (8 replies)
  70. Risk of undiagnosed placentia previa for homebirht, no u's scans (11 replies)
  71. 40 minute scan (17 replies)
  72. Help , low blood pressure (18 replies)
  73. Retained Placenta (7 replies)
  74. read this beautiful birth quote (8 replies)
  75. show us your mucus plug!! (49 replies)