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  1. Looking for info on having 6th baby (9 replies)
  2. Bleeding at about 10 weeks pregnant, planning UP/unassisted birth, help! what to do? (14 replies)
  3. Four things you need to know about your cervix (5 replies)
  4. Pregnant for the third time this year.... (14 replies)
  5. Natural induction methods, please? (272 replies)
  6. The first night (48 replies)
  7. My friend is in early labour - pls send good vibes! (28 replies)
  8. Retained placenta and natural remedies. (3 replies)
  9. Homebirth in rural NT against all odds - update (28 replies)
  10. Belly casting tips please! (11 replies)
  11. I was interviewed for the Sun Herald over the weekend about Lotus Birth (4 replies)
  12. South Carolina midwife, Maude Callen (7 replies)
  13. Crohn's diesease in pregnancy and birth (2 replies)
  14. Supporting women during pregnancy (61 replies)
  15. Lifelike newborn doll (13 replies)
  16. A journey to peace and joy - birth announcement (18 replies)
  17. did you loose a plug? did your waters break? weight through pregnancy? just curious.... (24 replies)
  18. High blood pressure at 37 weeks gestation (2 replies)
  19. Blog Post on Lotus Birth (3 replies)
  20. Husbands/partners preparing for birth and baby? (28 replies)
  21. Preparing for my 3rd birth (8 replies)
  22. Anti D article (0 replies)
  23. how to learn about unassisted pregnancy ??? (59 replies)
  24. Back injury in pregnancy. Experiences in labour? (3 replies)
  25. Birth after post parnam heamorrage over 1000ml (16 replies)
  26. Risk of Cord Prolapse (5 replies)
  27. Uterine Prolapse (3 replies)
  28. I've found my dream birthing support! (13 replies)
  29. How to respond to negativity regarding home birth? (23 replies)
  30. In search of a midwife.. (30 replies)
  31. Dizziness in pregnancy - your experience? (22 replies)
  32. The rise of 'lotus births': How more mothers are leaving their baby's umbilical cord ATTACHED until (5 replies)
  33. Placenta prints (8 replies)
  34. Stretching/tight feeling in uterus - normal? (11 replies)
  35. Feeling a bit abandoned in my birth (46 replies)
  36. My future birth is all coming together!!! (70 replies)
  37. Accidental unassisted homebirth/midwife relationship stuff (8 replies)
  38. Babymoon and expectation management (22 replies)
  39. Spiritual Workshop for Pregnant women (3 replies)
  40. Home birth advice needed (8 replies)
  41. Joint & back pain in pregnancy, chiro not helping! (18 replies)
  42. Info Re "Two Vessel Cord" Needed... (7 replies)
  43. accreditation points to midwives who do 'Bellydance for Birth' training! (4 replies)
  44. Planning a homebirth in Mildura (7 replies)
  45. Do you remember your unhindered birth? (11 replies)
  46. Pregnancy lovey-doveyness! (11 replies)
  47. sharing my birth montage (21 replies)
  48. Your favourite threads/thoughts for late pregnancy? (11 replies)
  49. medicare rebates for homebirth (4 replies)
  50. Baby elephants umbilical cords break before the baby is born. (3 replies)
  51. My Preparedness for TTC 2nd Child (7 replies)
  52. What is happening to Home birth? (8 replies)
  53. Rheumatoid Arthritis, what is my next stop? naturopath? (3 replies)
  54. going to find out tomorrow if a homebirth is possible next time (24 replies)
  55. Is there anything I actually shouldn't do while pregnant? (30 replies)
  56. Pre-existing diabetes - advice for pregnancy? (9 replies)
  57. Bilobed placenta and increased risk of vasa previa (10 replies)
  58. Birthy sounds in birth videos (16 replies)
  59. Is it a hernia? (9 replies)
  60. *fluff* Rituals and expectations for pregnancy, birth and parenting (39 replies)
  61. Thank you for the push ;) (17 replies)
  62. Advice for friend with GDM facing induction. (7 replies)
  63. Fluffy - were your babies born with vernix? (20 replies)
  64. What did you take/consume/do for optimal pregnancy and birth? (20 replies)
  65. HB is becoming more of a reality for me! (6 replies)
  66. Debrief... not sure where to put this... (37 replies)
  67. Cultural messages re painful/painless birth (34 replies)
  68. Possible reasons for delayed contractions once waters have broken (18 replies)
  69. affordable homebirth (34 replies)
  70. Birth Vid (15 replies)
  71. Anemia? Impending labor? Normal? Something else? (13 replies)
  72. Had Our First Midwife Appointment Today!! (3 replies)
  73. vbac with gd in a hospital (9 replies)
  74. Cod liver oil in pregnancy? And a few other suppliment questions. (12 replies)
  75. Minor pain - any cause for concern? (7 replies)