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  1. Incontinence during pregnancy? (24 replies)
  2. amazing homebirth vid (14 replies)
  3. homebirths don't just happen to other women (61 replies)
  4. Children/toddlers and homebirth... Your experience? (22 replies)
  5. finding my positive space again. (5 replies)
  6. What's the deal with all this collaborative agreement stuff? (9 replies)
  7. Cross country car travel - during late pregnancy (16 replies)
  8. Lexi is here :) (42 replies)
  9. Anyone managed to get money back on their homebirth with hba? (7 replies)
  10. One child family? (32 replies)
  11. Placenta Previa (4 replies)
  12. Midwife fights for the rights of the mother (16 replies)
  13. cascade chart (2 replies)
  14. Essential oils, help please ! (4 replies)
  15. c section rates in brisbane (20 replies)
  16. High blood pressure (9 replies)
  17. Braxton Hicks causing bowel discomfort? (7 replies)
  18. Helping DS about his birth (1 replies)
  19. bloody knOB!! (9 replies)
  20. headache remedies in pregnancy (6 replies)
  21. Very early labor symptoms (12 replies)
  22. Your partner's attitude to homebirth (41 replies)
  23. Caring for a newborn and 12 m old ? (12 replies)
  24. Planting the placenta in the garden (16 replies)
  25. Vegetarian, pregnant and can't stomach any usual protein sources :/ (36 replies)
  26. When to begin the search for a midwife? (7 replies)
  27. How to forgive (but not forget)??? (7 replies)
  28. Not sure if this is the right place?? Photographers :D (12 replies)
  29. waters have started leaking (20 replies)
  30. getting your mind in order (17 replies)
  31. Im Excited :) (31 replies)
  32. The all type of birth breastcrawl thread (17 replies)
  33. Cramp bark in pregnancy (5 replies)
  34. baby descending in pelvis? (3 replies)
  35. Laws, midwives, homebirths. (8 replies)
  36. Questions about midwives (6 replies)
  37. Transition and Second Stage tips? (42 replies)
  38. 8 weeks pregnant and breastfeeding - no sore/swollen boobs - normal? (8 replies)
  39. baby stuck in hip (21 replies)
  40. More Birth, postnatal, and antenatal stills and films required (5 replies)
  41. collaborative agreement (61 replies)
  42. Placenta encapsulation Melbourne (7 replies)
  43. Making your birth space cosy (8 replies)
  44. birth and transfer plans (2 replies)
  45. Placenta Canvas (14 replies)
  46. My cousin homebirthed!! (7 replies)
  47. so true (0 replies)
  48. homebirth transfer - who do you have to liaise with? (14 replies)
  49. birth pools and cats? (28 replies)
  50. Pool basics (33 replies)
  51. KnOB at it again! (23 replies)
  52. What happens with bub, directly after the birth? (17 replies)
  53. Reassurance re low blood pressure (11 replies)
  54. Bad moods, emotional and pretty much just a cranky so and so! (6 replies)
  55. Recommendations for videos of birth (9 replies)
  56. Anyone else show early? (11 replies)
  57. Pregnancy update (6 replies)
  58. The hospitalization of birth in Australia... (14 replies)
  59. told my friend i am planning UC (14 replies)
  60. mother resuscitating her own baby - unassisted birth (31 replies)
  61. 20 week scan (16 replies)
  62. random fears (7 replies)
  63. Chemo and babies (17 replies)
  64. I think I'm in early labour and have bad ANXIETY! HELP! (52 replies)
  65. Food poisoning or gastro? How do you tell the difference?? (26 replies)
  66. Apparently now third degree tears warrant a c/s :( (44 replies)
  67. Can't find the thread I am looking for (2 replies)
  68. Would you go to the Dr for this? (22 replies)
  69. Awkward subject but I need to ask... (19 replies)
  70. I think i may have retained some placenta (19 replies)
  71. trainee doula (0 replies)
  72. Silk embroidery threads.... (11 replies)
  73. Stretch & Sweep risks (8 replies)
  74. Finding out your birthing lineage? (20 replies)
  75. Vegetarian Craving Meat (12 replies)