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  1. Emailed some IMs (13 replies)
  2. Ok so I'm a freshie (15 replies)
  3. Need big help re Melbourne midwife (38 replies)
  4. Can't find an available IM - Brisbane (38 replies)
  5. Freebirth/Homebirth (2 replies)
  6. IM recommendations Northern Sydney? (31 replies)
  7. Middies in Brissy (5 replies)
  8. Melb Midwives, Kate Larvin, Helen Brown & Alice Barden. (31 replies)
  9. Gosford? (2 replies)
  10. looking for a doula in hills area SA for a hospital birth? (8 replies)
  11. What if there is no independant MW? (8 replies)
  12. Midwife in Mackay area? (2 replies)
  13. Any recommendations for midwife in redcliffe bris? (4 replies)
  14. looking for midwife in the gippsland region? (4 replies)
  15. Do some midwives accept payment after birth? (16 replies)
  16. claiming midwife expense on tax (39 replies)
  17. Looking for a Midwife - Melbourne Inner South (8 replies)
  18. Brisbane IM Reccomendations (3 replies)
  19. Looking for doula, trainee doula or student midwife in Melbourne (3 replies)
  20. Looking for a midwife (4 replies)
  21. Hit me with your Melbourne Midwife recommendations! (4 replies)
  22. IM - Blue Mountains? (10 replies)
  23. IM recommendations in Perth (27 replies)
  24. Doula wanted (6 replies)
  25. Doula in BUNDABERG (7 replies)
  26. Darwin? (3 replies)
  27. Getting info about specific HB Midwives (13 replies)
  28. Questions about practicalities of a freebirth (25 replies)
  29. IUGR.....help me decide! (50 replies)
  30. Birthing a Breech Baby - Or Professionally turning? (11 replies)
  31. student midwife? (12 replies)
  32. Anyone recommend a midwife in Port Macquarie? (2 replies)
  33. Doulas around Mackay (9 replies)
  34. HELP NEEDED! Newbie to freebirthing! (27 replies)
  35. update on midwife situation (15 replies)
  36. Accessing birthing services in Australia for non-citizens (19 replies)
  37. my birth plans (15 replies)
  38. make own cord tye? (48 replies)
  39. Where are you on the continuum? (29 replies)
  40. Midwives and doulas in Melbourne's West (1 replies)
  41. freebirth paperwork (3 replies)
  42. Freebirth Registration in Victoria (131 replies)
  43. midwives...arrrhhh (7 replies)
  44. Melbourne Midwives... (51 replies)
  45. What should a doula really do (17 replies)
  46. Freebirth & obtaining a birth certificate in Qld (20 replies)
  47. anyone able to recommend a doula in melb? (6 replies)
  48. Midwife needed! How to find one? (34 replies)
  49. The Confidence to Practice Midwifery (1 replies)
  50. what do you think about borrowing birth pools? (18 replies)
  51. doula training with ICSM??? (5 replies)
  52. still desperately searching for a midwife in brisbane (36 replies)
  53. Anyone used Linda Kamchevski? (2 replies)
  54. I'm a bit confused within myself about free birth (10 replies)
  55. If you had access to a HB MW would you still do a free birth (23 replies)
  56. Doing your own antenatal care (9 replies)
  57. Questions about doulas (3 replies)
  58. Melbourne Midwife recommendations (6 replies)
  59. Doula as support for toddler (20 replies)
  60. Wanted: Midwife to attend home birth on Brisbane's Northside (3 replies)
  61. Trainee wanted for birth Brisbane/Ipswich (5 replies)
  62. Mt Gambier SA (4 replies)
  63. Doula/Student Doula - Brisbane/Ipwsich area? (8 replies)
  64. Wanted: A student MW to join our HB team (West Melb) (20 replies)
  65. Quick birth didnt call doula!!! (15 replies)
  66. Midwife in Dubbo NSW? (1 replies)
  67. Lisa Barrett is presenting a series of workshops! (7 replies)
  68. doulas on ebay (8 replies)
  69. looking for midwives in point cook area... (7 replies)
  70. Looking for Bris MW and HMA website not co-operating! (6 replies)
  71. Looking for midwives at/near Narre Warren, help? (5 replies)
  72. Doula as childrens support person (19 replies)
  73. Are there Sydney IMs on JB? (10 replies)
  74. feedback re: Sydney IM's wanted! (13 replies)
  75. Brisbane MW? (13 replies)