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  1. PERTHIES: Campaigning in the Streets (54 replies)
  2. MP letters from non homebirthers (9 replies)
  3. Greens will move to protect women's right to choose homebirth! (26 replies)
  4. proposed mini protest outside Nicola Roxon's office Tuesday 4th august (135 replies)
  5. Extremely thrilled - offer of help from Tracy Bartram and definitely no E (40 replies)
  6. she will always carry on .. (24 replies)
  7. What has changed in 10 years? (6 replies)
  8. KRudd's twitter and blog now on health - go comment and email! (30 replies)
  9. Senate submissions now released (30 replies)
  10. Nicola Roxon and her advisors' email addresses (4 replies)
  11. need a volunteer who can write (2 replies)
  12. 8 doctors, no midwives and few consumers in Maternity Services Advisory Group (21 replies)
  13. Info Stall Kit (13 replies)
  14. What's in your info kit? (0 replies)
  15. Preserving Birth Choices Stall! SUCCESS!! (45 replies)
  16. I'm meeting Nicola on Tuesday... (123 replies)
  17. New letter to MP for the stall tomorrow...is it ok? (6 replies)
  18. Another meeting! My mate and Senator Fielding (8 replies)
  19. My meeting with Jamie Briggs MP today - Yay, there's hope! (22 replies)
  20. Q&A for Nicola Roxon (2 replies)
  21. Pics needed!! (17 replies)
  22. Accomodation in Canberra??... help! (7 replies)
  23. Final numbers for rally (118 replies)
  24. We ARE being heard! Keep fighting! (30 replies)
  25. Sunday Night - producers want unassisted birthers (0 replies)
  26. Post your comments on Tammy Lobato's Facebook page (3 replies)
  27. Questions about rally (8 replies)
  28. Quick answers needed please (4 replies)
  29. Another Senate Submission - extended to 6th August (8 replies)
  30. Womensweb (0 replies)
  31. Good meeting with our MP (6 replies)
  32. Inspirational words from Marsden Wagner (10 replies)
  33. Want to ask Roxon some questions on tv? (33 replies)
  34. GetUp survey - includes questions on the homebirth legislation (3 replies)
  35. Submission Procrastination - 10 Minute Experiment (2 replies)
  36. South Australians - Jamie Briggs MP meeting (8 replies)
  37. Another angle- less choice for country women (7 replies)
  38. Can't find this article "How safe is hospital birth" (0 replies)
  39. Anyone contacted Triple J - Hack? (22 replies)
  40. What have you written? (29 replies)
  41. My Dh put this up on his gallery to draw attention to the rally (5 replies)
  42. South Australians - Urgent - Kevin Rudd meeting (17 replies)
  43. Addressing the Leader of the Opposition and others (5 replies)
  44. instead of watching masterchef tonight..... (36 replies)
  45. Very important submission due by 17 July - PLEASE READ THIS! (187 replies)
  46. Interval CD for Show (6 replies)
  47. My protest song to save homebirth (34 replies)
  48. Homebirth Rights Montage by HBA (6 replies)
  49. SouleMama loves my Huz!! (20 replies)
  50. Points to discuss on the 17th at my place (11 replies)
  51. Human Rights Commission (1 replies)
  52. Help me with references (5 replies)
  53. Senate inquiry - submissions needed by 20 July (69 replies)
  54. Crown Plaza Accomm $149 p/n (2 replies)
  55. I'm a violinist and i homebirth! (64 replies)
  56. Outcome of meeting with Senator (18 replies)
  57. badges/buttons for Rally (7 replies)
  58. Rally Advocacy JB shirts (Cafepress) (16 replies)
  59. Outlawing homebirth is #1 article on reddit (41 replies)
  60. Is the timing of the rally preventing our MPs from seeing us? (13 replies)
  61. Legislation adversely affecting Pharmacies too. (1 replies)
  62. Ask a Canberran.... local knowledge here (105 replies)
  63. Flights to Canberra (12 replies)
  64. The Office for Women's Policy (1 replies)
  65. Day of action updates please! (10 replies)
  66. It's OK - they're only trying to stamp out *independent* homebirth midwifery! (96 replies)
  67. Working Bee for Jeepo's motor transplant .. please help .. (23 replies)
  68. Stickers (4 replies)
  69. Sending this to a few MP's - suggestions on content/editing? (1 replies)
  70. Listen to what Sophie Mirabella has to say (11 replies)
  71. another letter to my MP (2 replies)
  72. Kids Tees for the Rally (16 replies)
  73. An alternate anthem for the rally? (1 replies)
  74. Posters at Unis? (6 replies)
  75. Brisbane women help needed for interview (0 replies)