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  1. Pissed off a lot, what can i take for irritability? (12 replies)
  2. The cycle of violence. (4 replies)
  3. How to sensitively address conflict with sister? (8 replies)
  4. Conflict with partner over roles- is it inevitable? (10 replies)
  5. How to tell an abuser to fuck off? (13 replies)
  6. Hemmorhoid has 'burst' (4 replies)
  7. Couple who describe NPD and Co-dependence (1 replies)
  8. Positive thoughts for my aunt (17 replies)
  9. Just need to talk.... (54 replies)
  10. When helping friends puts your family at risk (15 replies)
  11. Clutter clearing, same old block for me - Letters and Cards (15 replies)
  12. Q. about Mental Health Plan and GP referral (43 replies)
  13. Separation (17 replies)
  14. "Bad Girl " - Self Labelling (6 replies)
  15. Losing my patience (8 replies)
  16. Allergic to Olives/olive oil? (1 replies)
  17. I just broke a lamp... angry ranting (11 replies)
  18. “If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself" (16 replies)
  19. Have you moved interstate or "far away" from your home to escape family? (23 replies)
  20. Advice needed re:counseling or similar (15 replies)
  21. Weird Colon thing happening (3 replies)
  22. Family Vent (19 replies)
  23. Body Cleansing questions (8 replies)
  24. What is it about the last six years... (128 replies)
  25. Who gets to decide? (19 replies)
  26. Involuntary psych admission (Vic).. anyone know anything?? (16 replies)
  27. When your motives are questioned -- appropriate response? (10 replies)
  28. When is anger healthy and when is it toxic? (19 replies)
  29. Grief or JB making me less tolerant? (40 replies)
  30. Ending friendship...have you had to do this? (14 replies)
  31. Dealing with emotions - anger, sadness and overwhelm (12 replies)
  32. moving through frustrations (9 replies)
  33. Im dissapointed. (12 replies)
  34. Great website with self-help modules - particularly on assertiveness (7 replies)
  35. His true feeling or worry over a different matter? (28 replies)
  36. Being assertive without causing offence - advice please (25 replies)
  37. Being fun/crap food (rambly) (64 replies)
  38. that is that (16 replies)
  39. Relationship changes after a baby (16 replies)
  40. What is Inanna's Strength for? (0 replies)
  41. Thoughts on family privacy and 'secrets'? (13 replies)
  42. Suffering in silence and the IGG (33 replies)
  43. Making up stories (10 replies)
  44. healthy anger & direct speaking vs negativity & nastiness (14 replies)
  45. Sexless Relationship- WDYT? (24 replies)
  46. snapping (46 replies)
  47. Does/Did your partner ever comment negatively on your body (82 replies)
  48. Do people confuse setting boundaries with taking responsibility for other people? (12 replies)
  49. My husband wants me to lose weight. (56 replies)
  50. Phew! Letter to my mother (4 replies)
  51. What's your relationship with your ILs like? (50 replies)
  52. 5 years on.... (4 replies)
  53. Movies providing relationship models for our society (21 replies)
  54. hmmm (11 replies)
  55. Can someone help me a little bit? (3 replies)
  56. The family dynamics within my family (141 replies)
  57. my mum is gonna be shitty (24 replies)
  58. IGG dies in the carpark (26 replies)
  59. What is Inanna's Strength area for? (0 replies)
  60. *PUBLIC* When it is subtle.... (psychological abuse tactics) (1 replies)
  61. *PUBLIC* Explaining Entitlement For Dummies... (24 replies)
  62. some resources on child sexual assault and rape *possible trigger warning* (1 replies)
  63. realisations and where we go after that (4 replies)
  64. goddess give me the strength (26 replies)
  65. Living arrangements (17 replies)
  66. Producer from Insight wants to hear views on sexual assault and consent (2 replies)
  67. How can I help my neighbour? (12 replies)
  68. Learning Resilience ~ Very important! (0 replies)
  69. Jealousy (9 replies)
  70. Violent Mind-Set (I'm a jerk, please don't yell at me) (17 replies)
  71. Bullying (46 replies)
  72. Family pressure about our trip (15 replies)
  73. I think DP is an alchoholic (13 replies)
  74. Relationship sabotage (5 replies)
  75. My mother thinks I'm trying to control her?! (22 replies)