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  1. I want to get my hospy birth notes (7 replies)
  2. List of Publicly Funded Homebirth (66 replies)
  3. why did i tell the gp? (7 replies)
  4. Just NOT drawn to waterbirth (22 replies)
  5. Factors in choosing to freebirth (8 replies)
  6. Transfered? (26 replies)
  7. Booking back up at hospy for homebirth (14 replies)
  8. When a midwife misses your birth (6 replies)
  9. homebirth for dummies (52 replies)
  10. Ultrasounds and Natural Birth (131 replies)
  11. "I don't feel homebirth is an option with a first baby" (26 replies)
  12. Would you haggle with a Midwife? (106 replies)
  13. What to say to my neighbour? (27 replies)
  14. Impacts of Medical Technology in Australia (9 replies)
  15. Looking your best for your caesar???? (19 replies)
  16. Coming out of the closet (7 replies)
  17. I had a bad day (25 replies)
  18. risks of waterbirth (36 replies)
  19. Relative Risks of Uterine Rupture (10 replies)
  20. hey doulas, who of you will attend a freebirth? (47 replies)
  21. Were you happy with your homebirth midwife? (31 replies)
  22. Where to start? (4 replies)
  23. purebirth vs midwife (9 replies)
  24. Value for Money (21 replies)
  25. Another reason to choose homebirth.... (14 replies)
  26. Logistics of people travelling to HBs (8 replies)
  27. placenta bag (10 replies)
  28. lexapro (5 replies)
  29. Share these homebirth montages with friends and family! (149 replies)
  30. The noise of birth.....! (44 replies)
  31. pregnancy and hb resources... (9 replies)
  32. to have a midwife or not? (8 replies)
  33. birthing on land... (32 replies)
  34. Victorian hospitals perinatal data 2005-6 (0 replies)
  35. Gold Coasters - Midwives (14 replies)
  36. Community midwifery - Adelaide (52 replies)
  37. When did you fill your birth pool? (14 replies)
  38. Defending your sanity to those unsupportive of your birth choice (14 replies)
  39. Doula's "not allowed" to attend freebirths (137 replies)
  40. when did your hire your mw (and decide to birth at home)? (48 replies)
  41. improving emotional outcomes from transfer (12 replies)
  42. How did YOU pay for your hb? (239 replies)
  43. Unless you're tired of birth videos... (36 replies)
  44. Glucose testing (7 replies)
  45. Freebirth and transfer (23 replies)
  46. Another Ahoy MWs question! Doppler! (9 replies)
  47. Hospital Freebirth (30 replies)
  48. People against birth out of Hospital?? (13 replies)
  49. debunking Pang (4 replies)
  50. Did you refuse to transfer? What happened? (44 replies)
  51. What should a freebirthing partner know? (34 replies)
  52. Gaskin on why we need hb (8 replies)
  53. Home visits or office visits? Both? (71 replies)
  54. Help! Tap adapters (5 replies)
  55. What did your MW bring to your birth? (30 replies)
  56. Oxygen tanks (33 replies)
  57. Emptying the birth pool (16 replies)
  58. weighing baby after birth (45 replies)
  59. Most helpful book for hb? (19 replies)
  60. A Homebirth Poem by ***** O'Connor (9 replies)
  61. List of Qn's to ask Midwife (37 replies)
  62. birth before 37 weeks (81 replies)
  63. consumer/MW model? (31 replies)
  64. Perspective on perceptions of risk (18 replies)
  65. More articles on HB (3 replies)
  66. Hospital Statistics for 2003-2004 (to compare) (7 replies)
  67. Statistic Rates of Birth Centre Transfer 2003-2004 (15 replies)
  68. Statistical Rates of Homebirth Transfer 2003-2004 (4 replies)
  69. DH's concerns about safety + emergencies in HB, vs hospy (30 replies)
  70. hot water heaters and home birth (5 replies)
  71. read here for some vigorous head nodding! (2 replies)
  72. A place to birth just in case! (8 replies)
  73. Physiological vs. managed 3rd stage (9 replies)
  74. What's so bad about pain anyway? (31 replies)
  75. Good one for dads - birth as a bowel movement! (19 replies)