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  1. Her attitude stinks (52 replies)
  2. my soap box is getting higher..may need that cherry picker (5 replies)
  3. set on having my baby at home (10 replies)
  4. Technology: Stemming the Tide (4 replies)
  5. Towels for waterbirth??? (13 replies)
  6. elective c/s (8 replies)
  7. Is This Correct? (14 replies)
  8. a new midwife next time? (0 replies)
  9. Other people holding your baby - who, when etc? (95 replies)
  10. What to say to husband who just doesn't get it? (129 replies)
  11. looking forward to birth (12 replies)
  12. Thank you! (A story of choosing HB) (4 replies)
  13. Your hbac / vbac (16 replies)
  14. IM and Doula... worth having both? (7 replies)
  15. Standard antenatal care (probably a silly question) (44 replies)
  16. Your homebirth... was your partner supportive, informed, helpful? (30 replies)
  17. Homebirth in Dubbo NSW?? (0 replies)
  18. Choosing Homebirth (58 replies)
  19. Having a freebirth but then going to hospital (12 replies)
  20. Contacting midwives....before or after conception? (12 replies)
  21. quick - need homebirthing info for unsupportive mother (3 replies)
  22. HB on syd's nth beaches (2 replies)
  23. Birth choices in your state (15 replies)
  24. Hiring an IM for birth only (38 replies)
  25. The Safety of Hospital Birth - The myth versus the reality (23 replies)
  26. I've found a midwife BUT... (13 replies)
  27. Freebirth and 'proving' bubs is yours (37 replies)
  28. Defence Health doubles coverage for midwives - YAY!!! (9 replies)
  29. A friend's montage (8 replies)
  30. Homebirth: what are the issues? article (4 replies)
  31. some Marsden Wagner articles for easy reference (4 replies)
  32. Midwife monitored homebirth advice, please... (34 replies)
  33. I have a Doula (15 replies)
  34. homebirth transfer study in Sweden (6 replies)
  35. questions for the doulas (8 replies)
  36. New Birthing Unit (0 replies)
  37. Eating the placenta? (26 replies)
  38. Another question about birth support /style (22 replies)
  39. Where will you birth? The new JB slideshow has landed! (83 replies)
  40. Here is my birth montage! (47 replies)
  41. Wow watch this birth (15 replies)
  42. Talking about Birth Montages (12 replies)
  43. Inform landlord? (29 replies)
  44. Heart conditions & Birthing Options (15 replies)
  45. more thoughts and questions (14 replies)
  46. ok this is gonna be kinda long sorry (18 replies)
  47. my birth montage! REMOVED FROM YOUTUBE FOR BEING NORTY I put it back! (125 replies)
  48. How many midwives at a homebirth? (15 replies)
  49. Recommendations for a doula in Melbourne? (12 replies)
  50. Recommend birth tapes/CDs etc. (4 replies)
  51. Hiring a Birth Pool (2 replies)
  52. In your experience what 'equipment' to HB midwives carry? (25 replies)
  53. How did you decide on your midwife? (7 replies)
  54. Books poll (19 replies)
  55. You're winning me over... (24 replies)
  56. My Doula Week (11 replies)
  57. Homebirth without the cost? (16 replies)
  58. post birth counselling (14 replies)
  59. Chance of baby getting "stuck"? (7 replies)
  60. Where to Start? (4 replies)
  61. Midwives choices (3 replies)
  62. Midwives children at your birth (25 replies)
  63. Doubts about waterbirth (9 replies)
  64. Need more confidence re homebirth (10 replies)
  65. no i am not neglecting my duty of care! (35 replies)
  66. Finding another midwife willing to travel (22 replies)
  67. choosing doulas- was experience important to you? (11 replies)
  68. freebirthers- choosing support people as SUPPORTERS not decision-makers (8 replies)
  69. pushing at 6cm dilation (33 replies)
  70. Tricksyness about telling family (38 replies)
  71. toddlers at births (2 replies)
  72. Did anyone here birth completely alone? (9 replies)
  73. New Statistics: Big increase in home births across the UK (2 replies)
  74. kinda a dumb question but (11 replies)
  75. Homebirth in Murwillumbah (15 replies)