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  1. Who thinks I can do it? (28 replies)
  2. What is Precycling? (14 replies)
  3. The biking with kids thread! (19 replies)
  4. Cargo Cycles (41 replies)
  5. Energy efficient cooling (5 replies)
  6. 100 mile diet - how to find your 100 miles (9 replies)
  7. Riot 4 Austerity: 90% Reduction Project (1 replies)
  8. Where do you spend your dollars? (12 replies)
  9. can you tell me what this is and how to use it properly? (2 replies)
  10. Anti-Consumerism Challenge 2010 (132 replies)
  11. Rainwater Collection - Rental Property (2 replies)
  12. Green Loans Program (16 replies)
  13. Auria: How redundancy fostered the planting of a forest (0 replies)
  14. anyone make cow pat pit or BD 500/501? (3 replies)
  15. Anyone grown Yacon? (17 replies)
  16. Organic/fair trade on a budget (4 replies)
  17. Honda Clarity 2009 world green car (13 replies)
  18. Mouse in compost (15 replies)
  19. Stocking stuffer? (9 replies)
  20. what do you feed your chooks? (9 replies)
  21. Quote from CEO of Pepsi re environment (19 replies)
  22. Wonderful cheap activities/gifts here (11 replies)
  23. Does anyone use a fruit/vege/grocery deelivery service? (8 replies)
  24. My chooks have red mites (6 replies)
  25. DIY horticultural glue (8 replies)
  26. Happy Earth - Adventures in Urban Sustainability (7 replies)
  27. veg garden plans (0 replies)
  28. What could be eating my seedlings?? (17 replies)
  29. Links to 48 Skirt Patterns (24 replies)
  30. Article:'I live without cash – and I manage just fine' (9 replies)
  31. Knitted Dishcloths Q (24 replies)
  32. Eggsperiment- grain and scraps fed vs grass/insect fed (17 replies)
  33. Urban ecology links (0 replies)
  34. Why Women's Rights Matter to Our Food (7 replies)
  35. Water Saving Tips (10 replies)
  36. Environmental impact of bores (WA specifically) (11 replies)
  37. I am such a shit sewer! (10 replies)
  38. Controlling fruit fly (3 replies)
  39. free tomato seedlings newcastle (5 replies)
  40. Fucking seedling eating insects! How do I kill em? (16 replies)
  41. Chlorine and gardens (7 replies)
  42. What vegies/herbs can you grow in the shade? (11 replies)
  43. We got chooks! (4 replies)
  44. I killed half their chooks (30 replies)
  45. chooks (12 replies)
  46. Help, sick chicken (5 replies)
  47. The Real Dirt on Farmer John (8 replies)
  48. Ollas (10 replies)
  49. How can I remove yellow highlighter from a wall? (23 replies)
  50. Anyone seen 'The Age of Stupid'? (4 replies)
  51. What plants will live under a Camphor Laurel? (12 replies)
  52. Gardening for dummies (7 replies)
  53. very sick ducklings (17 replies)
  54. The Feed Your Family for a Week on $21 challenge (77 replies)
  55. No Impact Week challenge (4 replies)
  56. Any one have a balcony garden? (8 replies)
  57. Any one know any thing about dwarf lemon trees? (2 replies)
  58. Harvesting Almonds? (5 replies)
  59. Wicking beds (26 replies)
  60. Green potatoes and purple potatoes (22 replies)
  61. new study - organics ARE better for you (2 replies)
  62. Chicken Runs (7 replies)
  63. Chickens and Dogs (11 replies)
  64. Cat vs frog (28 replies)
  65. Oiling a wooden cutting board for the first time (11 replies)
  66. One million women campaign (2 replies)
  67. Raising Chicks (2 replies)
  68. Dill growing tips (3 replies)
  69. Another thread about chickens..... WE ARE GETTING SOME! WOOT WOOT! (25 replies)
  70. Disposal of oil? (9 replies)
  71. Help finding a documentary (1 replies)
  72. Permaculture gurus - help needed! (11 replies)
  73. No dig vs dig gardening?? (9 replies)
  74. Help needed designing a garden (16 replies)
  75. Anyone ordered biological pest control bugs??? (2 replies)