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  1. Tell me about power consumption meters (4 replies)
  2. What are these insects? (5 replies)
  3. Ethical Dairy's (20 replies)
  4. Budget spreadsheet - help with excel please (9 replies)
  5. Anyone researched safest options re chemicals fumes etc for new kitchen cupboards and benchtops? (39 replies)
  6. chooks - lice (2 replies)
  7. Leaked document shows EPA allowed bee-toxic pesticide despite own scientists’ red flags (4 replies)
  8. What to feed newly hatched chicks? (9 replies)
  9. Decorative garden signs (9 replies)
  10. abnormal eggs from our hens - white looks semi cooked? (17 replies)
  11. Agisting horses etc (24 replies)
  12. Menstral blood on your plants (14 replies)
  13. Canberrans - Thistledown Creamery (2 replies)
  14. Evaporative aircon runoff (10 replies)
  15. David Suzuki's Sydney lecture (4 replies)
  16. 100% biodegradable toothbrushes! (5 replies)
  17. Cotton is literally the most toxic crop on the planet- (14 replies)
  18. Mice (45 replies)
  19. 'Ethical' Banks/Credit Unions who lend to interntional communities/sustainable building etc (0 replies)
  20. The great organic 'debate' (27 replies)
  21. where can I buy an ethical/fairtrade backpack suitable for a schoolbag (7 replies)
  22. Multiple Occupancy, Strata title, Community title? (9 replies)
  23. David and Valierie Pearson's Green Living Australia *boo hiss*!! (36 replies)
  24. The Self Sufficiency Shop (4 replies)
  25. Dishwasher (22 replies)
  26. Passive solar house planning - help (19 replies)
  27. Is 42 acres too adventurous? (18 replies)
  28. Chris Martenson's Crash Course (12 replies)
  29. French towns swap rubbish trucks for horse-drawn carts (11 replies)
  30. Fruit/Vege Gardening for Dummies (9 replies)
  31. Crochet a rug from old t-shirts (14 replies)
  32. A dirty question.. (4 replies)
  33. Dog Problems (25 replies)
  34. deterants for snakes? (21 replies)
  35. where do you buy your seeds/plants? (30 replies)
  36. Sustainable House Day - today! (2 replies)
  37. Amazingly small and well designed apartment (17 replies)
  38. Home meat production (21 replies)
  39. I was wrong about veganism: Let them eat meat (but farm it right) (9 replies)
  40. Vegges in hanging baskets (5 replies)
  41. Horse ownership - what's involved? (21 replies)
  42. Are there any cheese makers, blessed or otherwise, here? (52 replies)
  43. Sustainability win! (10 replies)
  44. In pursuit of a richer lifestyle - making a seachange/treechange (3 replies)
  45. Weed Control (11 replies)
  46. Shareable: How to barter, give and get stuff. (4 replies)
  47. What's the Value of Homegrown Food? (3 replies)
  48. Question on mulches (12 replies)
  49. Electric rotary hoes - any good (2 replies)
  50. Does any one grow tomatoes? (4 replies)
  51. Dick Smith's Population Puzzle and the ensuing pooulation debate (2 replies)
  52. Preparing the earth for planting (14 replies)
  53. Needing some direction about my new direction. (3 replies)
  54. The Great Milking Cow/Goat/Sheep Sticky (236 replies)
  55. The Wilderness Garden - Jackie French (11 replies)
  56. Broccoil going to flower before heads have grown? (3 replies)
  57. Help! Off-peak power and solar/PV question (3 replies)
  58. Heat pump hot water systems - your experiences and knowledge? (6 replies)
  59. Just Not Made That Way: Sharon Astyk on myths of incompetence (5 replies)
  60. Orange tree fruiting only on one side?! (5 replies)
  61. WTF? Picking tomatoes in Melb in July??? (10 replies)
  62. Ethikil - any feedback appreciated. (1 replies)
  63. Gippsland Forest being logged.. Save Our Forests (4 replies)
  64. Birthdays/Christmas and anti-consumerism? (11 replies)
  65. Plan Bee - The Great Apian Sticky (87 replies)
  66. Soap Making & Candle Making .. Brisbanites do you do it? (0 replies)
  67. re using wool? (5 replies)
  68. Food Elitism - a great article by Joel Salatin (4 replies)
  69. The Plastiki Expedition (0 replies)
  70. Tell Me About Biodynamics? (3 replies)
  71. Joel Salatin - Food, Inc - The future of food and regenerative agriculture (13 replies)
  72. Soley living off the land (1 replies)
  73. some help/advice please! (9 replies)
  74. How to Use Lots of Lavender? (8 replies)
  75. Grey water causing soil salinity (10 replies)